Sublime Forum

Topic Replies Created
SublimeText 4 Install Package not showing the menu

Hi there! I’m using SublimeText v4 build 4152 (update 02/08/2023). I successfully installed the Package Control, but when I try to install a package SublimeText doesn’t show the command Package Control: Install Package…

14 August 28, 2023
Resources and Bug Tracking

Sublime Merge We’ve got some basic feedback channels online for Sublime Merge, with more documentation to come in the future. Forum category Issue tracker Documentation Sublime Text If you are running into trouble wit…

4 September 21, 2016
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4180 by default opens in ADMIN mode 1 October 17, 2024
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File extension as C 2 October 17, 2024
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Sublime with c c++ 1 October 16, 2024
How to run 2 files in 2 languages in the same Build System? 2 October 16, 2024
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ST3 Plans? What happened to all the activity last year? 56 March 6, 2017
Send code to Rstudio desktop 1 October 15, 2024
.gitattributes is not parsed correctly for lfs label 1 October 15, 2024
Add keyboard shortcut to Menu(Context Menu) key 2 October 14, 2024
Goto symbol bug? 3 October 14, 2024
Implement AI into Sublime Text 22 June 15, 2023
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4180 is laggy as hell 10 August 20, 2024
Why "Default.sublime-keymap" is rewritten each time the editor restarts? *solved* 3 October 14, 2024
Is it possible auto complete brackets for functions and methods? 10 October 3, 2024