Sublime Forum

SublimeText 4 Install Package not showing the menu


Hi there!
I’m using SublimeText v4 build 4152 (update 02/08/2023).

I successfully installed the Package Control, but when I try to install a package SublimeText doesn’t show the command Package Control: Install Package (see figs)

Here are the steps I tried:

  1. Open the Command Palette using shift+command+p (OS X) or by selecting Tools > Command Palette from the menu bar;
  2. Find and select the command Package Control: Install Package.
  3. No results

Any suggestions?


If you are encountering this problem, the proper solution is to install the 4.0 beta version as described in the issue linked below by @deathaxe. Other solutions can and will compromise the security of your machine,


Can not install packages with package control
Trouble with package manager

Duplicate of

Mainly tracked at

Also reported at


No Package Control after updating to Sublime Text 4?
Package control not available any more in ST3
pinned globally #3


Please stop spamming related topics here in forum and on github with

  1. console logs displaying the already well known symptoms and
  2. all those “I have removed OpenSSL” posts!


  1. there are more than enough of them!
  2. the recommended solution is to install Package Control 4.0 beta, instead of degrating your system’s security level by downgrading OpenSSL!

see also:

Unfortunatelly community can’t sign and upload a final release binary to, which would enable direct installation via Sublime Text main menu.

The current 4.0.0-beta.8 is more of a release candidate as there are no features planned to be added and it seems to work flawlessly for those who are already using it.



Hi deathaxe,

Apologies, as I seemed to have missed the solution with the many overwhelming messages and threads. I assure you I have spent about 2 days looking for solutions before posting what worked for me, maybe there’s a way to pin the solution or make it more promanent so people are more aware?



I seemed to have missed the solution with the many overwhelming messages and threads

the combination of the solutions proposed in the first two issues posted by @deathaxe fixed the package installation for me.



Please correct me if I’m wrong, you worked in SublimeHQ some time ago. Created PackageControl plugin, then left SublimeHQ. Now you’re supporting PC in your free time. But, SublimeHQ won’t lift their finger to make it happen.



Package Control is currently a pure community project which is not related with SublimeHQ beyound them providing an easy to use installer plugin and sponsoring the hosting.

Will Bond is the inventor and original author. He worked at SublimeHQ for several years and is the only one with full access to all PC related repos/resources/servers, AFAIK.

I am just a volunteer - a power user as of 2016 - with push access to Package Control repo (the client part, which is installed on ST) as was contributing some significant changes which helped to start 4.0 branch.

I’ve also prepared a PR to update the webapp to 4.0 with support for python 3.8 at

Will is the only one who would be able to deploy that PR or sign and publish Package Control in a way which makes it accessible for ST’s installer plugin.

I’ve run the webapp in dev mode locally, but not on real production data. I am not familiar with the server infrastructure and - tbh - don’t feel confident enough to overtake its maintanance. I understand the basics of the webapp’s infrastructure, but I never got in touch with CoffeeScript which is used for frontend stuff.



Anyone using Sublime Text 4169 having this issue
I am using windows 11 and this worked for me

Open Sublime Text .
Go To Preferences > Browse Package
Get inside the user folder


Here you need to open the Preferences.sublime-settings
There you will find the Package control mentioned in ignored_packages just remove that

Restart sublime text .
Press Ctrl + Shift + P
Type Install Package and you will see the option in the menu

Hope it works for you



You can also just edit the settings by going to Preferences > Settings.



Not sure if I should be posting here or create a new post… so forgive me please.

I have removed and re-installed Sublime Text. I have also removed the ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text folder

Using Build 4169 on macOS v14.5.

The following command: Tools >> Install Package Manager... places the Package Control.sublime-package file in the Installed Packages folder. The Packages/User folder is empty.

Trying to follow the instructions for manual installation I select Sublime Text >> Settings... >> Browse Packages ... and it opens the Packages/User folder which is empty.

I even tried to copy the Package Control.sublime-package to the Packages/User folder; however, that doesn’t appear to work either.


~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text:
	Installed Packages
		Package Control.sublime-package


Today I had the problem that I installed Sublime Text 4 Dev on MacOs new and couldn’t get Package Control installed and run in the mentioned issue here from the thread. And I guess the problem will hit every MacOs user and a clean solution or warning from within ST is not in sight.

I also read the github issue and the last comment by @deathaxe that explained the problem with the signing issue. Is there no other way to maybe warn MacOs users that that might happen?

The current topic title doesn’t fit my issue because it was a new install of Sublime Text and Package Control doesn’t show up in the command palette after installing it via command palette because it can’t succesfully be loaded. Therefore I didn’t checked this topic out because I couldn’t run the installed package control. Maybe add to the title something like package control issues (not running, not installing, not upgrading) on MacOs.

Another issue was that I’ve been using ST on my Mac for the last years without noticing that package control has stopped working. Because I didn’t try to install new packages and the auto upgrade worked before in the background. Only recently I wanted to install a new package “EnhancedSnippets” by @OdatNurd and there I’ve found out the hard way that my package control was broken and all my packages are multiple years old and weren’t upgraded at all. That’s also somewhat unfortunate.



Update : I deleted and reinstalled and it worked.



What did you actually delete and reinstall? Can you give more details of your steps?


  • Open the Sublime console
  • You will probably see an error similar to: Package Control.package_control.deps.oscrypto._ffi.FFIEngineError: Error initializing ctypes + path to the folder with Package Control
  • Delete the Package Control.sublime-package file
  • Download the latest release of Package Control from its GitHub Releases page.
  • Rename the downloaded file to Package Control.sublime-package .
  • Place this file in the Installed Packages directory of Sublime Text.
  • Restart Sublime Text to apply the changes.


A more convinient way is described in the Github Repo’s README

  1. Open Console
  2. Paste and run the following python snippet to download latest release
    from urllib.request import urlretrieve;urlretrieve(url="", filename=sublime.installed_packages_path() + '/Package Control.sublime-package')

Install Package not appearing after installing package control
Should I invest into Sublime anymore?

I removed ST and re-installed.