Sublime Forum

Project name in the window title


Hi, I see that project name exists in the window title (Windows7) but in the very end. It makes very hard to choose right instance if I have like 5 open. I have to bring every window up a look at the end of the title to get the right one.
Is it possible to move project name to the beginning of the window title?


Configurable Title Bar Text Format
Possible to configure window title? Want project name first!

[quote=“downunder”]Hi, I see that project name exists in the window title (Windows7) but in the very end. It makes very hard to choose right instance if I have like 5 open. I have to bring every window up a look at the end of the title to get the right one.
Is it possible to move project name to the beginning of the window title?[/quote]




The only think you can do is set "show_full_path": false, which will shorten the entire title and thus also move the project name forward.

A setting to move the project name to the front would be much appreciated by me as well.

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Probably worth an FR on the issue tracker :smile:



Yes please. File - Project - Folder would be the best IMO.



No, “Project - File” is much better



Config option would be better then lol



Completely agreed.



Also being able to specify a custom project name and allow project definition files without a basename.

So you can have:


    "name" : "Project X"


I created an issue here.

I too would like the ability to have the project name displayed first, as I find myself with 3-10 sublime text windows open to different projects at any given time. Having the project name there is essential to being able to alt-tab quickly between projects.

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Virtual Desktops are your friend :slight_smile:



Ultra wide screens are also your friend. Love them.

The most recent issue complaining about this is:

  1. #1445, Feature request: specify general window title
  2. #1348, Make the “show_full_path”: true, show the path after the file name
  3. #1179, Add ability to configure window title content format
  4. #144, Feature request: specify general window title

The current window title style is not good. The most up voted and general feature/issue to fix this is

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Hi, I just created a plugin to configure the window title. (for Linux)

It should be soon in Package Control, but you can install it manually if you want to test it earlier.

Please provide feedback here or on Github.



@gwenzek, could you mark your package as for all platforms in Package Control? Currently, it’s limited to only Linux, so Windows users can’t install it via Package Control.



@skoshy: There are some bugs in the Windows version.
That’s why it’s not officially released yet on this platform.
I don’t have an easy access to a Windows PC that’s why it’s not making a lot of progress.

If you want to look into it or just try it on Windows and tell me if it works, it’ll be helpful.



I made an AutoHotKey script for Windows. This just removes a couple specific hardcoded prefixes from the paths in the title, but it solves the problem for me, for now.

#KeyHistory 0
#SingleInstance Force

Loop {
	SetTitleMatchMode RegEx
	WinGet, ids, list, Sublime Text,,
	SetTitleMatchMode 3 ; or whatever default, if part of a larger script
	Loop %ids% {
		id := ids%A_Index%
		WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id%
		title := StrReplace(title, "C:\Users\Isaiah\Projects\", "")
		title := StrReplace(title, "C:\Users\Isaiah\Google Drive\", "")
		WinSetTitle, ahk_id %id%,, %title%
	Sleep 100

Trying that SublimeSetWindowTitle plugin, it seems to work well (on Windows); I’m going to use it in conjunction with my AHK script for now - for windows without a project directory defined, and for when an image preview tab is focused.



Hello gwenzek !

I don’t understand how to set the plugin and use it.
How access to the plugin settings on Windows ? It doesn’t appear in Preferences > Package Settings




I never added a menu entry to edit the settings because it’s a plugin for H4ck3rs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You’ll need to manually create a setting file in your Packages/User directory.

Otherwise there is a plugin that allows you to edit all settings files even when the author of the plugin forgot to add a menu entry for that:

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It works like a charm, thanks !
It’s not really what I expect –I’d like to replace with custom regex path by a custom label– but that’s ever good !

For unregistered users we cannot hide the mention “(UNREGISTERED)” even is not really fair play… ?
I’d put "unregistered": true in the setting file but I don’t see what does it change on ST 3.1.1



Thanks, this is just what I needed. I agree that having the settings in the menu would be good, but your tip to use the Side-by-Side setting package worked for me. (otherwise it would have been a bit confusing for me to manually create the settings, file)

It doesn’t seem to update the Window titles right away when you change the pattern in the settings (I had to restart Sublime, perhaps that is to be expected). Another thing that might be more of a bug is that it doesn’t seem to write the title of the window until you focus the window. In my setup I tend to have three or four sublime windows open with different project, and each time I changed your plugin’s settings file and restarted Sublime, I would have to click on each Sublime window for it to update the title (otherwise, it was just showing the default title format)

(edit: I’m running Windows, not sure if the bug mentioned is a Windows-specific thing.)

Another option for displaying the file path that you don’t seem to have would be “just the filename”, but I do like the “relative to project” option that you have.
