Sublime Forum

Interface Suggestions

split this topic #19

2 posts were split to a new topic: Interface Suggestion Discussion: Indicate active editor pane when multiple are open


split this topic #21

2 posts were split to a new topic: Interface Suggestion Discussion: Add possibility to create new Gutter



Here are two I would absolutely love .

Importance : Major

Description :

  1. Icons in the tab bar.
  2. A stylish autocomplete (changes might need to be done in the api as well ) . Much like the one that Atom has.


  1. I would like to have these features because more often than not, I am working with sidebar closed and with multiple technologies - for example LUA embedded in a C++ Container which also contains HTML/CSS and JS. Having icons at the top bar will easily help me to identity which type of files are open very quickly instead of gauging it from the syntax .

  2. Having an advanced (yet stylish) autocomplete dropdown would help me to easily identify the type of the item in the dropdown (if its a method, a variable , etc) . Another example of the advanced Autocomplete would be the parameters that a function that i chose in the autocomplete is expecting.



split this topic #24

A post was split to a new topic: Question about Interface Suggestions



Scroll Bar Colors are too Dark to see

Please change the color of the scroll bars. They are extremely hard to see. Dark color on top of a dark color is pretty useless. I recommend you use the same colors that the underlining systems use. I am on a MAC and in Safari they are GREY over WHITE. I think that is the same on Windows.

Or at least has an option to indicate you want to use the systems color.


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Still hoping for font ligatures, although “it won’t be soon”.



Possibility to open / search in inside editor ( like in Atom )

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Block Cursor Foreground Colour

Importance: Major

Motivation: I want to easily read the text that dsiplays in front of the block cursor

Description of the problem:

Currently we can get a block cursor by setting inverse_caret_state to true.

I can style the cursor in tmTheme files with the selection and caret keys.

The problem is that even though the cursor uses selection to set the background colour, it completely ignores selectionForeground unless you actually click and drag over some text.

Here is a gif of the problem: (selectionForeground is set to #000000)

I would like selectionForeground to be toggled on the current character that is in front of the block cursor when it blinks on and off rather than using the syntax colour.

In the gif you can see that when the block cursor is resting on a character and blinking the character foreground colour stays the same.

I want the colour to change to black (in this example) when the cursor blinks on, and revert back to normal when it blinks off.

The normal selection styles are fine.

If this could be added Sublime would finally have a decent block cursor in my opinion.

My thread describing the full problem can be found here: inverse_caret_state foreground colour



I use Zeal and the Zeal package for this, which works perfectly fine. I do not think that we need an inline HTML panel for everything, especially if it already exists in external applications (compare “live HTML preview” packages that use chrome). Also, this needs to be done as a plugin anyway, which is why your suggestion is extremely unspecific and in fact the same as Interface Suggestions.



Unfortunatelly, zeal doesn’t work on Mac? :frowning:



This is true, and will continue to be the case:

You’d have to use Dash on OSX.



Peek Definition (like in VS Code)



It’s weird that no one bring the toolbar problem in discussion.

Importance: Biased


For some, it will be nice to have a quick access to various functionality, like save, text transforms and so on. For me, this is quite useless in most cases, but it would be useful in cases where you’ll use mouse a bit more, like doing debugging (i.e. set a breakpoint, evaluate variables and so on).



Make Sublime Overlay a regular feature that also works on Mac.

Description: I think it would be nice to be able to tie the colour of the silver/grey border on OSX to the main colour of the theme to have a seamless transition. Even more so I think Sublime would benefit from having a themeable top-border element.



Moving the bottom input panel to a quickpanel-like input panel at the top.

Importance: minor.

Motivation : I’ve always found it awkward to, for example, initiate a new folder command from the sidebar (folders are at the top of the tree) and then having to look at the bottom of the window to type in the folder name. I’d like input to be typed in somewhere around the top of the window.

I don’t mind the search panel being at the bottom since it is unobtrusive/out of the way of the buffer, and we can let it opened to keep the context of the search options/input and so on. But for quick inputs that will disappear immediatly after anyway, I’d really prefer it to be somewhere near the top, like where the quick panel/overlay panel already are. Plus, some commands activated by the command palette requires input, and shifting my eyes from the top to the bottom, then the top again and so on, really is annoying. Hopefully some will agree as well.



This would be a hugely beneficial feature for todolist packages like PlainTasks.

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Add support of the svg UI assets (icons, textures, etc)

Importance: Minor

Description: @1x @2x @3x @4x . . .

Motivation: Currently, Sublime Text theme styling supports only png assets.



Add option for scrollbar up/down/left/right arrows to move page in adjustable speed with mouse

Importance: Major

Description: it is not possible to move page with mouse in precise steps. In Linux arrows can be added to the Gnome GTK 2 or 3 theme but they do not appear in Sublime 3 but in every other app (file manager, terminal, firefox…).

See my original topic: Adding Arrows to Scroolbar for up down



Confirm before deleting files in the sidebar, this has irked me for so long now.



Multiple selection of packages to be updated

This is regarding Package Control, but since Will is now part of the Sublime Text theme, I’m going to assume that some future version of Sublime Text might eventually ship with or integrate Package Control.

Currently, one can choose between “Upgrade/Overwrite All Packages” and “Upgrade Package” and then select a single package to be updated. For the latter, it would be nice to be able to select multiple packages (e.g. using Space key) and then upgrade all selected packages. While I can’t think of a practical example, multi-selections might be useful for other dialogs as well.

Importance: Minor


Interface Suggestions Discussion: Multiple selection of packages to be updated