I’ve a ST license from the ST2 days and I admit I was not using it a lot. Tried to adopt open-source editors like (neo)vim, but it requires lot of time. Several times tried to be productive with Emacs, but recently tried both Eglot and LSP-mode. It was kind of working, but Emacs was crawling.
Another option was to try Helix - nice one, simple config, but considering that at the moment coding is not my main priority, I was amazed that the editor does not even have snippet facility (https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/pull/9801).
Many folks are praising Zed, but after installing both rpm package for my distro (openSUSE Tumbleweed) and downloading binary, it started, but showing no frame on the screen.
Yes, I’m also one of those getting “LICENSE UPGRADE REQUIRED” since my ST4 license expired in May 2024, but then decided that I have enough…
Just updated my ST4 license and added SM to the bundle for $152!
Yesterday, installed several ST packages — LSP for PHP (Intelephense), Python, for web development (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap), for writing Markdown, Typst …everything was done quickly and “It just works!”
So, in a very short period of time, my setup was finished, I can use vim keybindings (thanks to NeoVintageous), installed a delightful theme (Guna) and there is not much I can desire of.
Let me emphasize that my usage of ST/SM would be mostly for private writings (studying, taking notes), small coding projects, contributing to open-source etc. Iow. it’s not that I’ll make money by using them…
The only valid alternative would be VSCodium, but I prefer native apps over Electron ones and I’m glad to be able to support small (local) businesses whenever I can.
In this case, coming from Croatia, it’s not local, but ST (I bought SM trying to learn/focus more on Git being widely used over Fossil which I use for private stuff) is big time-saver. The upgrade bundles was $152 and simple maths calculation gives < 1$/€ per week.
If my spare time is not worth of such a cost, then I should not use computers at all.