Sublime Forum

Theming ST is too hard. Theming documentation collective effort


The project is located here:

After spending a moderate amount of time making my own ST theme, I can claim with some confidence that this is much harder than it has to be for one simple reason: there is no tutorials or documentation.

To address that issue, I am starting a project.
The idea is to create as complete a documentation on ST theming as possible. I think that sublime forum is the best place to do this, as there are active themers here, who have worked on some of the best and biggest themes available.

The tasks that I feel need to be completed are:

  • Creating a list of all the class-names used in .sublime-theme files. With instructions on finding the customized UI element.
  • Creating a list of all the attributes relating to each class-name. With descriptions of when the attribute is applied
  • Creating a list of all the properties available for customization (layer0.***, row_padding, fg) by class-name. And a description of each property.
  • Creating a list of all the other forum threads talking about this subject. Example.
  • Maintaining this or some other thread as a theming Q&A thread

This thread is for discussion of the project.



As a co-author of the “unofficial documentation” I would love this. As you might have noticed, there is absolutely 0 documentation besides searching the forum for @jps’s posts or working with existing themes.

I personally don’t have any experience with themes besides looking at their json contents a couple times, which is why I’m not much of a help here, but if the necessary information is gathered by you and others, we could easily add it to our docset.



Great to know that the “unofficial documentation” team is interested. I will let you guys know when I feel like the gathered information is good enough to publish.

Thanks for the link to @jps! I will make sure to look through his posts.



Here’s some specific resources I collected over time:



On russian Stack Overflow I wrote some detailed answers on a subject of color schemes, perhaps, they also something will help. For example, How change color syntax elements? Thanks.



I looked through your posts on stack overflow. Big thanks for the post regarding font.face.

Color schemes themselves are not the topic of this project (as documentation on them is available on the unofficial documentation project). We are only discussing themes, which are defined in .sublime-theme files.

1 Like


Oh, I apologize. Perhaps, you will be helped file Default.Sublime-theme of my theme, each class I designated comments in Russian.

However, unfortunately, some moments as this and this I can’t understand.




There is no need to apologize, the two terms are confused very often.

[quote=“Sasha_Chernykh, post:7, topic:21534”]
Perhaps, you will be helped file Default.Sublime-theme
[/quote] I am very sorry to note that the link appears to be down. For me it is the GitHub’s 404 page.

[quote=“Sasha_Chernykh, post:7, topic:21534”]
However, unfortunately, some moments as this and this I can’t understand.
[/quote] I have replied to both threads. Hope I can help :slightly_smiling:



ГитХаб неделю считает меня ботом, поддержка молчит, куда обращаться — не знаю. Наверное, на Bitbucket придётся переходить в ближайшие дни. Пока создал на GitHub новый аккаунт и на него импортировал тему, возможно, в ней что-то Вам поможет.

Спасибо Вам большое за ответы, простите за ногу в двери :slightly_smiling:. Не подумайте, что я question vampire, по мере своих возможностей сам нередко помогаю другим пользователям на русскоязычном Stack Overflow и Тостере.



Currently, a large rewrite of the is underway. Progress can be seen here.