Sublime Forum

Requesting permission to submit Flatpak for Sublime Text 4


I’d like to submit Sublime Text 4 to Flathub, but that requires permission from the developers to do so. Is the Sublime team okay with this?






We discussed this internally: ST3 is already on there without permission so it’s not to our detriment to have ST4 on there too. So permission is granted under the condition that it is made clear to users that it is a 3rd party redistribution - not provided by us - and that it may have issues related to flatpak that cause some features to not work.

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Sublime 4 Flatpak Support

Thank you! I cannot express enough how amazing Sublime Text (and Sublime Merge) are to me. They make my life easier every day. Thank you for all you and the team do. I wasn’t part of ST3 being added to Flathub, the parties responsible should have reached out. I’ll add a big bold warning to the top of the package README that it is a 3rd party redistribution.



Well, FlatHub is picky about their disclaimers, so we’re at a standstill right now. This is the disclaimer they are proposing which has to be at the very bottom of the description:

This wrapper is not verified by, affiliated with, or supported by Sublime HQ Pty Ltd.

They don’t support bolding the text and they won’t allow me to move it to the top of the description or ALLCAPS it. So for now, I’m not submitting it, if they come up with stronger categorization or disclaimers in the future, I will revisit it.



FYI Make Sublime Text 4 Available in FlatHub (+ARM64 version)