Sublime Forum

ColorHelper 2.0.0


I like the way your changelog works - very clever use of mdpopups and phantoms, and disabling the gutter to make it seamless :wink:
I notice that the minimap doesn’t show phantoms though, which makes it a little harder to scroll/navigate. I wonder if we should raise a feature request with the ST devs that (certain?) phantoms should be able to be shown in the minimap?

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Showing phantoms on the minimap would be a nice improvement. It would also help to make sections visible without putting super huge comments in the code.



Yeah, that would be nice.



Hi, I got a support question ?
How do you enable ColorHelper to handle YAML-tmTheme file ?

I’ve created a user settings file for the package in which I copied the original “color_scanning” list.
I then appended:

            "syntax_files": [],
            "syntax_filter": "whitelist",
            "base_scopes": ["source.yaml"],
            "allowed_colors": ["hex", "hexa"],
            "extensions": ["YAML-tmTheme"],
            "use_hex_argb": true,
            "compress_hex_output": false

But the little color squares doesn’t appear next to my theme colors.
Also why not provide support for this by default ?
And do I need to copy the whole list of existing scanners before appending mine ? It doesn’t seem very convenient.



Because I originally supplied support for the default format. I am assuming this is PackageDev format? I don’t use PackageDev, so that is why it’s not in there. I am not against it being added though.

Yup, because I haven’t gotten around to changing it yet. I’ve just been busy. When I have some free time, and I motivate myself to start refactoring these kinds of things, stuff like this will change. To be honest, this whole plugin is going to go through some major refactoring, but time…and motivation…they fight against me at times :wink:.

As for your original question, I will probably answer it tonight when I have more time…

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You should consider using CSScheme instead of PackageDev for color schemes. I find that to be vastly superior when utilizing preprocessors like SASS.

I use the following color_scanning settings:

    "color_scanning": [
            "base_scopes": ["source.csscheme"],
            "scan_scopes": ["constant.other.color-hash"],
            "allowed_colors": ["hex", "hexa", "hex_compressed"],
            "use_hex_argb": false,
            "compress_hex_output": false
            "base_scopes": ["source.csscheme.scss"],
            "scan_scopes": ["meta.function, constant.other.color-hash"],
            "allowed_colors": ["css3", "hexa"],
            "use_hex_argb": false,
            "compress_hex_output": false

(doesn’t include X11 color names because fuck 'em)



I agree with this. Since now themes can have web colors in pop-up css, and then X11 colors in the main body, it just complicates things.



Ah right, CSScheme doesn’t support popupCss and phantomCss yet. Should be easy enough to add though.



Hi @facelessuser

I noticed that colorhelper has being displaying phantoms and popups perfectly on my win10 4k screen.
I don’t know since which version did that start to happen (hadn’t been doing CSS lately), but I thank you so much for fixing that, and all the effort you put into other packages you maintain.

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Many many thanks,



Yeah, there has been a couple bug fix releases addressing phantom render issues. Glad it’s working better for you!



@facelessuser, I’m having the issue with larger than normal images. The setup is a Virtualbox VM with Ubuntu 16.04 guest and Windows 10 host (4k). The temporary fix works to correct it in the host but not the guest. This is just fyi, it’s probably too much effort to revisit a temp fix at this point. I’m ok with waiting for your permanent solution but I wanted to let you know just in case it was relevant to your development.



@dcruz it is better to create issues on the actual repo in order to get help. Please create an issue there following the template, and then I can see what can be done.



If anyone is having sudden, new issues with ColorHelper stable (2.7.0), 2.7.1 was recently tagged to fix issues. It may take up to 2hrs for Package Control to see it, but once it does, you should get the fixes.

Issues are related to newly released updates to some of its dependencies. You also might have to run Package Control: Satisfy dependencies and restart Sublime. Sometimes Package Control updates some dependencies, but not all, and that can cause issues.

If you’ve received the update and ran Package Control: Satisfy dependencies and restarted Sublime and are still having new issues with ColorHelper, please file a bug report at Not much work is being done on the stable branch so that we can get 3.0 stable and out.

Also, Beta 3.0 is also available: ColorHelper 3.0 Beta. We are steadily working towards 3.0 becoming the new stable, so give it a try, or keep waiting patiently.



Is this the first time you installed? Did you restart Sublime after installing/upgrading?



This is a super old thread, I’d refer here for current ColorHelper related discussions: ColorHelper 3.0 Released.