Sublime Forum

Boxy – It Was the Most Hackable Theme for Sublime Text 3


Great theme. Thanks!
Just noticed one inconvenience. For some reason boxy increases and locks console panel font size so all underscores go under input line’s bottom edge i.e not visible when typing. Since the font size is locked there is no way to fix it by reducing global font size for the editor. Didn’t find any corresponding toggles in settings.

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Please look at this comment, it explains how to change the font size of the console panel and the input text.

And, just in case look at this known issue.

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Yep… Thanks!
Sorted now.



I couldn’t install Boxy theme or unable to remove the package because it is not yet installed. But every time when I start the sublime text 3 I get the following error

[Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘c:\users\kpreddy\appdata\local\temp\tmpdw7gdg\Boxy Theme.sublime-package’


  1. Close Sublime Text
  2. Then try to delete this folders:
%LocalAppData%\\Sublime Text 3
%AppData%\\Sublime Text 3\\Local
%AppData%\\Sublime Text 3\\Packages\User\Package Control.cache
  1. Open Sublime Text
  2. Then please post your console output here (View → Show Console)
  3. Also, please post your User Settings


nice looking theme, but not to my tastes, so definitely not my next theme, sorry. the presumptuous title is somewhat annoying, to be honest.



Have you tried it? If yes, it was your next :slightly_smiling: If not, ok, you can think about the description as of marketing :shit:

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terrible marketing.



:eyeglasses: Boxy v2.0.2 :eyeglasses:

:gift: Themes

:heavy_check_mark: Fix styles of the tab separator
:heavy_check_mark: Add monochrome variant of the folders
:heavy_check_mark: Add SublimeLinter theme as an addon
:heavy_check_mark: Add addons to change the font size of the text inputs
:heavy_check_mark: Add an addon to change Sublime Text UI font face

:gem: Color Schemes

:heavy_check_mark: Add guide colors



I have been using boxy myself. I kind of sticked to Ocean Eighties color scheme and then used materialize and now using boxy theme. After making some tweaks finally I have settled for the setting I am happy with.

The ease with boxy is that it provides lot of options to customize it to your liking. You just have to dig a bit more settings and you don’t know until you give it a try. I would recommend it to everyone at least try it once and see for yourself. My sublime user setting is here just in case.

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Love monochrome variant for folders.
Any chance we can have the same option for file icons?.. or at least reduce saturation to make file icon colors less prominent as currenty they tend to compete with text area/syntax highlight scheme colors.
Anyways, thanks for a great theme!

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Thanks! Yes, I have plans to implement monochrome icons in 2.1.0.

I’ll add some options in 2.0.3 :wink:

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:eyeglasses: Boxy v2.0.3 :eyeglasses:

:gift: Themes

:heavy_check_mark: Improve regex highlighting in find panel
:heavy_check_mark: Fix hover state of the sidebar icons
:heavy_check_mark: Add saturation levels of the sidebar icons

:gem: Color Schemes

:heavy_check_mark: Highlight string interpolation placeholders

:tada: In Action

"theme_bar_margin_top_sm": true,
"theme_find_panel_close_hidden": true,
"theme_grid_border_size_lg": true,
"theme_tab_selected_prelined": true,
"theme_tab_separator": true,
"theme_tab_arrows_hidden": true,
"theme_sidebar_icon_saturation_md": true,

:sunglasses: Thanks To

@michaelblyons for 4a1f852 & d6e0567



Thanks. Looks great.



:tada: Boxy Addons

Available for installation via Package Control.

These addons enable you to control Sublime Text UI font face, change the widget font size (Find & Replace text input, Console input and the text log) and more.

Check them out :wink:

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:eyeglasses: Boxy v3.0.0 :eyeglasses:

New & Renamed Options →

:gift: Themes

:heavy_check_mark: Add new accents
:heavy_check_mark: Add alternative ui icons
:heavy_check_mark: Review all file icons
:heavy_check_mark: Add monochrome file icons via addons
:heavy_check_mark: Add sidebar indent options
:heavy_check_mark: Make top bar monochrome by default
:heavy_check_mark: Add new flavors of the bar logo
:heavy_check_mark: Add rounded scrollbar variant
:heavy_check_mark: Add optional sidebar disclosure buttons
:heavy_check_mark: Add colored status bar variant
:heavy_check_mark: Change quick panel & autocomplete highlighted background by default
:heavy_check_mark: Fix assets of the scrollbar line variant
:heavy_check_mark: Disable line highlight in widgets
:heavy_check_mark: Disable margin top when active bar option
:heavy_check_mark: Improve colored bar colors
:heavy_check_mark: Make loader monochrome
:heavy_check_mark: Make sidebar title font regular by default
:heavy_check_mark: Reduce sidebar margin
:heavy_check_mark: Fix default size of the tooltips
:heavy_check_mark: Fix tab separator styles
:heavy_check_mark: Fix issue when tabs do not shrink enough when tab scrolling is disabled
:heavy_check_mark: Fix widget colors

:gem: Color Schemes

:heavy_check_mark: Add popup styles
:heavy_check_mark: Fix arguments are of the same color as functions
:heavy_check_mark: Fix highlighting on blocks with background color
:heavy_check_mark: Change colors of the guides
:heavy_check_mark: Improve json highlighting
:heavy_check_mark: Make cursor color the same as default foreground

And many more exciting improvements and enhancements!

See Full Change Log →

NOTE: If you have some problems with file icons try to delete other custom themes. More details here.

:tada: In Action

:sunglasses: Thanks To

@Lugoues for 5a90c95 & 1ece0df

@sbine for 33309d7



The Boxy Ocean theme is just awesome. Thanks !

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:tada: Boxy Monochrome Icon Addons

Available for installation via Package Control.

These Boxy addons enable you to set monochrome icons for the dark & light UI themes.

Check them out :wink:



I’ve really started to warm up to this theme set. It is customizable enough to work for a wide range of users.

Unfortunately, I hate having to look up the settings everytime I want to make a change (but I like have the settings :slightly_smiling: ). I have to pull up the theme’s wiki to see all the options, and then enter them in one by one. It’s kind of a pain. So I threw this plugin together to make setting the options easier (it is assuming mdpopups is available on your system, though it could be modified to not use mdpopups). It’s a static list of the options, so it has to be updated manually if more settings are added to Boxy.

It’s pretty easy to use as you just click the link to go to the setting section you want, and then click the checkbox to toggle the item etc.

It is not available publicly on Package Control, though you can dig it out of my experimental plugin sandbox here:

Anyways, just wanted to share this with anyone interested.



Wow! Looks very good :heart: Thanks a lot! Don’t you mind if I add it in the theme starting next release? :wink: