Sublime Forum

Unsubscribing problem


I am trying to unsubscribe from the Sublime forum. However, a message comes up:
“You are currently logged in as a different user than the one who the digest was mailed to. Please log out and try again.
You can also unsubscribe from digest emails on your preferences page”

I do not know how to find out my details as this “different user”. Also, I do not see any option to unsubscrive on “my” preferences page. I would be grateful for advice on this.



This has been reported several times afaik.

/cc @jps



Considering that all of those several times reports are opened by @jsampson45, i believe that he have an additional user account that he had forgotten of, hence the „different user” message.

Steps to fix:

  1. Stop opening a new thread every now and then with exactly same issue. It won’t help.
  • log out of your current user;
  • stop opening a new thread, it’s annoying;
  • click on „forgot password”;
  • stop opening a new thread, it’s annoying;
  • enter the email you receive your unwanted notifications;
  • stop opening a new thread, it’s annoying;
  • recover that user and make the notification adjustments;
  • stop opening a new thread, it’s annoying.



Sentence no. 6 in this does not make sense. Neither does no. 2, for that matter, nor no. 8. I will open new threads until I get a coherent answer that helps me.



The sentences make perfect sense to me.

In the case that you decide to open more threads (instead of pushing an existing one), you are effectively spamming and I just want to let you know that we can easily remove spam from this forum.

1 Like


Can you remove me from the forum, not just the spam? It is a pity to go with ill feeling but it may be the only way. I will make a note not to use Sublime Text again, so that I do not need support.



Even if you’re marked as spam and blocked, will be this account. You still need to fix the other account, the one you get notifications for…



OK. As I don’t know the details needed to fix this other account I will mark email from it as spam at this end. I need to fix things so that I don’t forget again that the problem is insoluble, and start another thread, to the annoyance of some.



On gmail, reporting as spam is not effective some times, but to block the email’s sender is effective.



Just go to your settings:

The email address is the same as the one you get unwanted notification?



The email address given on the settings page is different from the one where I am receiving email from Sublime Forum.
Rather than reporting them as spam, I am filtering the email messages to be deleted automatically.



So you do have two accounts :slightly_smiling:

I assume this is the other one?



I assume that I have two accounts. I have the details for one, and I am receiving email on one. But I do not wish to pursue this as (a) you are annoyed with me and (b) I am working round the problem by automatically deleting the email received.



You have a problem, I’m trying to help you, you refuse the help while you’re searching for various workarounds and spam the forum with problems that are not there in the first place.

Wouldn’t you be annoyed if someone else would behave like this? :slightly_smiling: