Sublime Forum

Unsubscribing from Sublime Forum


I asked earlier for help unsubscribing from this forum, particularly email digests
As I wrote then:-
I have found an unsubscribe link. This takes me to a message saying that
I am subscribed as a different user than the one who the digest was
emailed to. This puzzles me as I am accessing the page from the email in
the inbox belonging to me. There is also a link from this puzzling
message to my preferences page, but there the setting to receive digests
is already unticked. I would have to find out who the digest was
emailed to, so that it arrives in my mailbox. Is there a way of doing
this? It might be going initially to my main (not gmail) address but I
have never seen it there even in the spam folder.
I have not received any advice to help me unsubscribe so I am trying again.


Unsubscribing problem