Sublime Forum

Unable to save -- I see no answers


My gut feeling is that there is something we should be made away of to delete, like emptying our cache on web browsers.

Is that the clue?

I closed everything down and then reopened just sublime and was able to save my simple html file, but if that is the procedure that is totally unacceptable and I want my money back.

I just bought the program a few days ago on the recommendation of TeamTreeHouse learning videos, and while I am learning I have their web page open and watching their videos and interacting with the courses, I have sublime open and inputting, I have the html page I’m working on open, and I am also taking notes as I go through the course.

My computer can handle it but can sublime?

I just can’t believe it! There must be something I don’t know I’m suppose to be doing!




Does something else have the file open, maybe? I think if you get Process Explorer you can inspect the file to see if another program is using it.
Good luck!



I had the same issue lately (on Windows XP I could not save a file to the original place from where I had opened it on a Samba share).
The strange thing was that other programs (‘Editor’, ‘Notepad++’) were able to open and save the file at the same time when I tried them with the buffer still open in sublime_text. On the next day I could save the same file w/o problem from within sublime_text.

I assume that sublime_text is using system functions for saving that are more picky of ‘clean’ conditions (which is good in principle to prevent loss of data), but fails to inform the user about the actual root cause, or give the user a manual override button.
Or the preventing conditions are cached and not updated before a new attempt to save is made?

Anyway, if I had to fear this could happen again, it might prevent me from using sublime_text at all, which I start liking a lot otherwise (just starting to evaluate on different OSs).

So the root cause of this odd behavior should be documented here and fixed.





No SAVE (unable to save “filename.extension”) on Linux Ubuntu 12.04. I want to save some files that are requiring elevated privileges but insteat to receive a dialog to enter the root password, I get only a window that informs me that simply I can’t save the file, and thats it!

Please correct this very nasty bug. We need to save modified files that require elevated privileges.



Yikes. I just had this problem on Mac OS 10.7.5 using the latest version of Sublime Text 2. Over half of my buffers were unable to save. Is there any fix in sight for this?

Fortunately, I found a workaround. I have to “Save As” for all of my buffers. It’s painful, but it works.



Can I also report the same thing on Windows 7 (edit file, refresh in browser edit file, then Unable To Save) it’s such a shame because the thought of going back to my previous text editor makes me want to cry :cry:

If it’s any help this doesn’t seem to happen when editing ‘tempory’ files through ftp, only when working on local files in the browser.




Most likely the file is locked by another process, or if the file is open RO in another process space and it may be that Sublime is being more fussy than other programs when it detects this to be the case.

It would be nice to see this investigated, but in the meantime, the workaround seems to be to save files under another filename/directory.

It would also be helpful to find a repeatable workflow to reproduce this error (haven’t seen it myself). Hopefully Jon will chime in then.




Any news regarding a fix being pushed out for this?



I also cannot save on Ubuntu 12.10 – in particular the user settings file

apparently this is because I used this tutorial to install sublime … -04-unity/

if you used that, please instead refer to … ime-text-2



Noticed that S2 couldn’t save when editing .html files on win7

I had S2, folder of files, and browser open.

fix: in file explorer folder window, hide the preview pane. This seems to unblock the process, and S2 can save just fine.

May also work in other (mac/*nix) OS.



I have this problem as well. Process Explorer says that nothing else is touching the file. Save-As also failed. Saving it in any other editor works fine.



Actually, it could be relevant that all the files I’m having this trouble with were under version control (although they are checked out when I try and save them). However, given that almost all the files I work with are under version control, if that causes ST to be unable to save them, it’s basically useless. Fortunately, I searched for anything about sublime text and TFS, and found this plugin (; once I installed the plugin, I was able to save files that were under TFS.



nope, turns out the plugin didn’t help as much as I thought, I still get this error constantly.



I am running on Ubuntu 11.10 and Sublime Text. Unable to save, any fixes?



Same thing with me–though sometimes closing vs11 fixes the error (though at the time, it isn’t running in vs11). Love the tool but I can’t buy it if it makes me restart other applications randomly… :unamused:



Same here.

Couldn’t save for st. So I had to ‘Save As…’ once again and woila, it worked like a charm. After I did ‘Save As’, the regular CTRL S started working again without any hiccups. I was like, WOAH dude, that st worked?! And my brain was like, ‘F**k yeah son, what did you expect, I’m smart.’



Sometimes when downloading a file SFTP plugin seems to alter the file permission on the local copy.

Try right clicking on the file in your finder, click properties or informations and try to see if the permissions are set to “read only”, changing the permissions did the trick for me. :smiley:



I think I know the issue. Go to the file that your trying to save by right clicking and going to Properties. Click the security tab then click edit. You’ll see however users there are (one of them will be Security and one of them will most likely be the Administrator). Click on the one that is actually you (for instance let’s just say your username name was Robin). You would then go to the second window located under the user names, and check the Allow box right next to the text that says Full Control. You should now be able to save the file no problem

Edit: This is for Windows 7 users. I don’t know about Mac or Linux. I would suspect both probably have some way to alter what some users can and cannot do to a certain file.



I’m using Mac OS X 10.6.8 and I can confirm that Sublime v2.0.2 often can’t save ANY file so I have to restart the app (which is a pain in the a$$$$$). :angry:

Is there ANY workaround available? Man I hope this bug will be fixed ASAP because it’s really KILLING my workflow. I had to restart sublime more than 5 times during 30 minutes so I don’t know if I’m gonna use it again.

My plugins (maybe there is one which is the cause of this strange behaviour):

Package Control
PHP Code Sniffer



Any help, please?



Thank you, this helped a lot!