Sublime Forum

Trim trailing whitespace from column selection


It would be handy if you could trim the trailing whitespace when using the column selection.

I can think of many use cases, but my current use scenario is working with csv files that are column aligned using the Advance CSV plugin. If the data I want to copy from a column isn’t the same length, I have to manually trim the whitespace after pasting. (Or copy to a temp file and trim it there as trailing whitespace.)

I could see this as an actual setting, or maybe just adding a modifier when making a column selection to signal that trailing whitespace should be removed from the buffer.

Windows terminal has a similar setting which made me think to ask here.

Thanks for the consideration!


Trim trailing whitespace from block selection

Instead of making a feature request here, I’d suggest to make one instead on the official issue tracker Issues · sublimehq/sublime_text since that is monitored by the core developers of ST more closely, and any feature request made here usually seems to falter away.



Thank you for the suggestion!