Sublime Forum



Can anyone update us on the status of Sublimerge (3? Pro?). Their site does not seem to work at all. I am curious to learn some shortcuts, for example, how to update one or the other (left/right) file that are compared side by side.



Comparing two files and targeted merging of specific changes

I think the developer gave it up, unfortunately. The only left resources could be:*/ and evtually
and everything a search engine spits out.

Ah, just see that @bf1986 had an account here, too.

Or ask him here:

So, enough stalking :wink:



Im sorry but I closed the project.


Many thanks go to those who created cracks and Sublime Text team itself, who created SublimeMerge. Because of that two reasons it stopped earning for itself and finally I was no longer even able to pay for the server.




Thanks for your statement. It does not sound like you’d be interested in releasing the source code, right? I personally never used your package but I know others did, would be a pity if your work was simply lost forever. But that’s your decision of course. All the best to you!



It’s lost due to the facts I provided, so no, I will not. Sorry



This is sad, indeed. However, I wouldn’t say that Sublimerge and SublimeMerge are the same kind of tool. I could be wrong, though.

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They’re not the same. First, Sublimerge was a plug-in for ST itself so it was working in its context. Second, Sublimerge was created first and had thousands of users.

SublimeMerge (what a similar name, isn’t it?), however, is a standalone tool and have been created much later but implementing similar functionality.

Still, the main reason for me to shutdown the project were cracks allowing the user to have it working without purchasing a license. SublimeMerge just took away some users from Sublimerge. Those two reasons together resulted in great drop in sales and finally I couldn’t even pay for the server, and as I don’t have money for it, I had to close the project.

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To bf1986.
First of all thanks! I’ve used your work for a couple of years.
I understand why you decided to give up developing your project.
But I can’t understand why you did it(killed your project), what for and why in such a way.
There’re so many ways it could live further helping other people. At least because there’s an option not to make one person make all work in his own two hands. Github, gitlab with sponsor button, you name it.
I’m a “lucky” man: I’ve used this plugin for files compare for several ages and had no option to buy it(don’t ask why: just couldn’t). And it died a few months right after I got an option and bought a license to it. Now, I’ve got a problem with mac arm installation: there’s simply no binary package for it where I really need it.
Anyway, thanks!
It was a good work.



Hi, i just found out today (installed ST on other pc) that i simply cannot be as fluid as with sublimerge pro plugin. It’s a shame. Really great plugin which i got used to. I wish we could support your development further. I wish we knew before it was too late