Sublime Forum

Sublime text 4 error


Help, I have tried to use the pawn syntax in sublime text 4 but when selecting it, it tells me this error, what is the reason?

  1. what would be the solution to the problem?

Curiously it happens to me with the latest version, instead with version 3 it works correctly for me

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Error Loading Syntax File: C Improved Package

Does it still happen if you install that package in safe mode?

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Error loading syntax file "Packages/Better CoffeeScript - CoffeeScript.tmLanguage

its clearly an invalid regex, maybe ST4 became stricter? to match Oniguruma’s parsing/errors better?

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fwiw, the source is $(\n?) but it’s $($?) in ST’s error msg.



Ah I know what the error is. For compatibility \n in tmLanguage are translated to $ which clearly produces an invalid regex in this case.

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Error loading syntax file ... PostCSS.tmLanguage

So what would be the solution to the problem? what should I do



You may use as a temporary solution.

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Does anyone have a fix for this error?



The simplest way to fix it is update your ST.

Oh wait, your asking for a new issue in Error loading syntax file "Packages/Better CoffeeScript - CoffeeScript.tmLanguage



Iirc, if you want to fix it per-syntax, just translate .tmlanguage to .sublime-syntax.