I am really liking the new updates in Sublime Text 3. Nice work team. My colleagues however keep telling me I need to get with a more modern editor like Visual Studio Code or Atom. Can anyone with experience tell me if I am missing anything sticking with Sublime? I did try Atom once and found it very slow.
Is development with Sublime active again? Are new plugins still being developed as many look like they have not had updated in a few years? Are new features being worked on to keep SAT3 up to date with the latest VSC and Atom options?
I am not really looking to promote any one product as every developer has the tools they prefer, but I am just trying to get some honest opinions for someone just getting into the world of text editors. I used to use an IDE like PHPStiorm and I found it was extremely heavy for my needs.
I am missing the integrated terminal however. We need this in Sublime!
Thanks in advance.