Thanks for this!
I can confirm that it does partially work. Sublime Merge will not remember tabs if you fullscreen any window. This is unfortunate, because typically how I work is a tab up my one window, full screen it, and then use quick switching on the keyboard (Super+Shift+O) to bounce between projects. This works exceptionally well, as it keeps my applications consolidated, and maximizes screen Realestate, and doesn’t compete with other apps for visual attention. Then I use (on macOS) desktop switching (two-finger-swipe, or super+tab) to get to my dedicated workspace with the right app (Sublime Text, Sublime Merge, etc).
Anyway, we’re much closer with this, but still not completely there!
For now, I just merge all windows again manually and fullscreen. I almost wish it wouldn’t remember my fullscreen setting.
Edit: Welp, after saying that, I went to check my SM settings to see if I had a “remember_full_screen” or similar setting, and it looks like all my settings are gone, so I/we may have just found a bug. I’ll see if I can reproduce it.
Edit2: Ok, I restarted SM and my settings are back. Interestingly enough, I do have “remember_full_screen” set to false, but SM still tries to fullscreen the first tab/window upon reboot
"theme": "Merge Dark.sublime-theme",
"remember_full_screen": false,
"time_format": "24h",
"native_tabs": "preferred"