Sublime Forum

ST3 Now $%£^ed after freshly installed state


So having tried to diagnose these problems and gone back to freshly installed state and back again, I now have this problem:

rendering ST3 completely unusable at the moment…

Unbelievably exasperating… It’s ridiculous

Everything was fine, and it’s 2 hours down the pan. Nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts !!

There were more nuts, basically installing a freshly installed state has wiped my user folder after uninstalled state… Okay, I backed up a day or two ago, phew (I hope)…



Looks to me like you reverted your packages but not your session. When ST tries to restore your session it’s trying to load stuff from packages that no longer exist. Here’s the guide for properly reverting to a freshly installed state:



Hhhmm well it’s not the first time I’ve read those instructions, I renamed my sublime-text-3 folder and restarted ST3, for freshly installed state. Then quit ST3. And then renamed sublime-text-3-TempBackUP back to sublime-text-3 and restarted ST3, and voila User folder empty…

What mistake did I make please ?

Thank Vishnu (or whatever diety you prefer) for backing up, did it yesterday. Phew, phew, phew…


ST3 is broken after freshly installed state

Ahh not so good news, all my packages have dissapeared from package control, any idea whats happened there ? Are they not stored in the user folder ?

…some time later…

It gets weirder, there were no packages in my Installed Packages folder, fortunately I had another computer (ie a back up) with a very similar set up, so I thought I’d start reinstalling all my missing packages. As soon as I installed package control, they all “magically” re appeared. Does anyone know whats going on ? Again was there anything wrong with what I did for freshly installed state, please let me know, coz this debarcle has lost me a fews hours today and I’d like to avoid those/my mistakes again if I can.

Help in identifying my mistakes much appreciated !


Ps Also it’s wiped loads of other detail, list of recently opened files/projects
I had to do some package keybinding over rides, and they’ve been lost too, see this post for unresolved mystery



As soon as I installed package control, they all “magically” re appeared. Does anyone know whats going on ?

Package controls keeps track of the pages you’ve requested to be installed in a settings file. If you newly install package control it will install all those packages.