PLEASE NOTE: Theme folder location has now been relocated from “Packages/User” to “Packages” in the latest update
The theme has now been updated to work when placed inside the Packages folder instead of inside Packages/User. If you have cloned the theme into the User folder, you will see a broken theme (with red backgrounds) on the next git pull. To correct this issue, move the “Theme - Soda folder” from inside User to inside Packages.
I’ve been playing around with this with some success. It seems though, that it only applies the last loaded Widget.sublime-settings file to take effect. Is that the expected behaviour?
I have the assets set up like this:
/Theme - Soda
Soda Dark.sublime-theme
Soda Light.sublime-theme
/Soda Dark
Widget - Soda Dark.tmTheme
/Soda Light
Widget - Soda Light.tmTheme
From here, I was hoping to have the Widget.sublime-settings file loaded that related to the selected theme.
So if “Soda Dark” was loaded, it would ideally use the Widget file from “Soda Dark/Widget.sublime-settings”, which contains a single rule pointing to the tmTheme file that allows control over the text fields.
I’m guessing the way things are set up that it pulls in both Widget files inside “Theme - Soda” and then whatever the last one pulled in, being the one that’s applied?
If that’s the case, it looks like I’d need to break the theme variants into their own separate “Packages” level theme folders if I want per variant widget control.
Good point, Widget.sublime-settings isn’t actually a great option for this. 2088 will now read from ‘Widget - Soda Light.sublime-settings’ if the current theme is Soda Light.
There’s a bunch of other theming changes in 2088, which will unfortunately break Soda again. Things should settle down now on the theming side of things, so hopefully that’s the last of the breakage. The next regular build will be out in a few days, which will resolve the issues with 2076 and Soda.
Let me know if you’d like a patch for the Soda themes to integrate the rules for the Lion style overlay scroll bars.
Great, I’ve started to play around with this in 2088. Looking good so far.
I’ve made some adjustments to light and dark to accommodate the sidebar and overlay panel changes. Should at least be back to being functional again. For anyone tracking the main repo, try an update and things should be working again.
No worries. Where would be the fun if we weren’t leap frogging on the edge I’m more than happy to try and keep up and adjust as needed. All of the new dev changes are most welcomed from my perspective and the theme control is really coming along nicely.
I might update the readme to make it clearer that the themes are beta and tracking the dev build, which may result in breakages along the way.
Thanks, think I should be right. I’ve had look at the default theme and work you’ve done there. I’m looking to adjust the theme to integrate the new overlay scroll bars soon, but had some design tweaks planned for it, which is the cause of the delay there. Hopefully the existing scrollbars are functional for everybody until then.
Quick question. I’ve changed the font & size in the sidebar and tabs but I have a little problem. The text in the sidebar is fine, but the text in the tabs is cut off. Any way to fix that? I’ve tried changing the margins, but that only moved the text up or down without actually increasing the vertical size of the text area.
As you can see in the screenshot, the p and g are cut off on the tabs only.
I’m not sure about that one. Is it potentially not a theme issue?
At a guess, I’m wondering if it’s related to glyph rendering in the core app. Jon might be able to tell us, and I’m happy to try and resolve it if it turns out to be theme related.
New Quick panel design (Goto anything, Command palette) for both light and dark themes
Tweaks to the text input field design
Customised the text input field background and text colours to match the theme design (added widget settings and widget theme file)
Adjustments to the Project Search window
I’ve also expanded on the theme challenges documentation with some additional information, in particular I would love to get some help with these:
Rendering issue with quick panel result rows (Screenshot
[FIXED] Background artifact colour on “Preserve case” and “Highlight matches” button icons (Screenshot
) (FIXED: User error Turned out that I had “draw_center: false” on there)
“Bookmark” and “Mark” icons appear to be hard coded to reference the assets in the default theme folder, are these customisable with the theme API?
Overflow indicator shadows are inset on widget fields due to content_margin for theme text field design. This one might be unavoidable (Screenshot