Sublime Forum

Soda 3 theme problems (Mac)


Really confused to encounter this problem with a clean build for Sublime Text 3 using a Soda theme … it works fine on two other machines (all Macs) but for some reason, one shows this problem. All other themes work fine … what’s the trick to solving this, other than using a different theme?



That looks like the theme is missing entirely.



it shows that it’s there when I select it - but I’m a bit confused - there’s a lot of files & folders in this theme. If you git clone them into the packages folder, and don’t change the folder structure, at all, leaving them all in Soda Theme 3 subfolder, which is what I did, it should work … or maybe not. The directions don’t say to change the folder structure.



This solved the problem no idea how it did it but just glad I found an answer.



The red-yellowgreen background indicates required texture files are missing.

2nd screenshot proves Soda Dark 3 not being installed, while an override in User package still exists.

Instead of downgrading openssl for the whole OS, I’d rather recommend upgrading to Package Control 4.




So to do it the way you suggest, after having done it the less secure way the first time around, which I did, what’s the cleanest solution? Remove and reinstall Homebrew? Some line of code that undoes what the line of code I added did? Also, for a Mac that doesn’t get much heavy duty dev use, is it that big a deal. According to Gemini AI … “OpenSSL 3 adoption is still ongoing. While some applications might be moving towards it, many might still rely on OpenSSL 1.1.x, which is the default on macOS.”



I haven’t proposed those openssl downgrades, don’t use/own a Mac and thus can’t provide steps to revert it.

My comment is just to somehow rule out the ongoing quotes about downgrading openssl being THE solution to any issues with Package Control.

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The Soda theme works flawlessly on two other Macs I use, but on this particular machine, it’s causing headaches. Whenever I initiate a clean build, Sublime Text starts acting wonky—it’s like the Soda theme gets stuck in a half-applied state, messing up the UI and color schemes. I’ve tried the usual fixes: reinstalling the theme, updating Sublime Text, and even diving into the site console for error messages, but no luck.