Been here for long and still there are some things that I don’t comprehend. I’m just used to it now. As far as I know:
The only official things in here are: and
Anything else is just community based, and the developer didn’t express any public support/acknowledge nor anything about all these things. Remember this is the “one man(or woman :P)” editor, that probably is very busy with real life, and other projects, and who knows what else. Also you may think that developing an editor could be “easy” but I guess if very very far from easy, when only one person needs to do almost everything, there are so many many thing involved(website, graphics, promotion, issues, distributing, papers, developing, and developing) , that avoiding to do anything “new” is proly a good thing.
So to be honest I don’t expect much. I don’t know him/her, and the reasons for being quite and silent are so many (from personal life, health issue, to even legal things) that, people that really likes this editor, well are trying their best to improve anything that help him/her to get the job done.