@wbond and @FichteFoll the Meetio Theme is inspired in Material Theme and DA UI Theme, and my reason to create this its to continue the great work of this both themes, because the Material Theme are deprecated and DA UI no one know whats happened.
So my first approach was create different Themes and Schemes like Material Theme, but the problem in my opinion its limit the user, because if user like for example Mariana Scheme its a little be weird use my Theme with this scheme, so for this a prefere DA UI approach and create a Adaptive theme.
The purpose of Theme Activator its show the users in a easy way the Schemes available and I know Sublime have this options and its very nice, but with this option I can “force” the user of Meetio using my Schemes.
All themes are equal? Yes!, I don’t understand anything about python and not find any way to change only the Schemes.
To keep in mind my ideia for future is possibility to the user to change lot of things in Meetio, like the accent, the contrast of sidebar and tabs…
But I need more time to investigate more about Python, but the repo is public and any one can help me.