Sublime Forum

Keeping Track of Edits to Default Settings


The User folder keeps all your modifications in, remove it and you’ve got a freshly installed state (for ST3). Pop a copy of that User folder into another version of ST3 say on a different computer and voila, you have the same settings on both machines…

I’ve had to delete some default keybindings because they were interfering with other bindings, (following this link and this link )
Is there anyway of keeping track of these modifications (other than writing them down on pen and paper) as they don’t occur in the User folder. Is there some kind of master setting, that keeps track those modifications to packages outside the User environment, that can be easily copied ?

Ta very muchly


Dropdown Menus and Keybindings

No; changes made to any package are treated the same; as changes to that package. If you want to create overrides on existing files to modify them, then the onus is on you to keep track of those overrides yourself and transfer them around somehow.

One of the upcoming features of OverrideAudit (with no date set) is the ability to create a patch file that you can apply to another copy of Sublime to create the same overrides, but I’m not aware of anything else that does that currently.

If you were extremely careful, you could sync the Packages folder as a whole instead of just the User package. The extrme carefulness here is because some packages install into Packages instead of Installed Packages, and such packages could be version or platform locked. Thus syncing them would be a waste of time at best and break things at worst.

Can you explain why you need to override a key binding file to remove a default binding so that you can bind it in your User bindings? That should not be needed because when key bindings are loaded, the User bindings are always loaded last and take precedence over everything.



[quote=“OdatNurd, post:2, topic:58557”]
That should not be needed because when key bindings are loaded,
[/quote]. “Should” being the operative word and I agree they should. You’re right my links don’t quite cover it exactly.

Compare Side By Side has a key conflict as shown by KeyConflict package. Disable CSBS conflict goes away (alt+p, alt+n).

Re-enable package and put new key bindings in user keybinding file (and disable alt+n&p )(which are the conficts) and assign super+alt+n&p to CSBS commands, and I still have a key conflict (super+alt+n&p work, alt+n&p doesn’t).

Disable CSBS default keybindings and I now have alt+p&n selecting Project and Preferences, which is what I wanted.
alt+super+n&p now scroll through CSBS differences when comparing two files side by side…

To drive the nail home, I’ve only managed to get this behaviour by altering the default keybindings (in fact just commenting them out).

I really like CSBS, nice and easy. Anyway all sorted just wanted to know if there was a non paper and pen way of tracking these changes. Thanks for your reply, excellent as always !!

Ps This issue goes back to this post Dropdown Menus and Keybindings, which is now sorted, it was a keybinding conflict !