Sublime Forum

Idea/feature req. un-losing the ‘lost’ FAIL


First, the famous party-pic

In the background above, I think a humanoid must have opened a files-and-folders tool. Me?

Properties? LOST! LOST! LOST!




U wot m8 ?



It might be helpful to adopt a slightly less idiomatic means of explaining the problem. :slight_smile:

Are you trying to say that you did not create the demo-me.html file?

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ST ‘projection’ or LOST! (bummer)

herein sadly most of us blunder
to OPEN FILES we drag and drop the un-projected …MANY!
disconnected edits / trillions every day

We just don’t project enough
That’s the DF DingALing thing about us. Our disks are all a tangled mass of dark and dirty doings. Brainless. Wish there was a plugin compensation. ~ which is why i say

Help Insolvent Data Today

~ Click or Tap ~

locations for all OPEN FILES



I think there are a lot of people here who would love to try and help you, but we have a hard time understanding your posts. :confused:

Perhaps trying to stick to more facts, and fewer extraneous phrases like “Um… Um… Properties? LOST! LOST! LOST!”. I’m not sure if you are trying to say “What did Properties go?” or something more like “I had a file open named Properties.html but instead there is now a file open named demo-me.html”. (Those are just wild guesses about what you are asking).

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I love these posts. It’s like solving a riddle, often with completely unexpected endings.

You mean, P*rn? We ALL have this problem, just buy more disks.

The screenshot clearly depicts the problem. A user has a section “OPEN FILES” in the sidebar.

What he tried so far is searching which plug-in, setting or configuration could be the cause of his problem.

He cannot find the storage location of the files that are currently open. He is suggesting a plugin that shows the storage location of open files on right-click or tap.

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Congrats, professor of the month, you nailed it… ALMOST!

We cannot find the storage location of the files that are currently open, but not included in a Project. He is suggesting a plugin that shows the storage location of ALL open files on right-click or tap. REGARDLESS OF THEIR PROJECT STATUS

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If you choose View / Show Menu you should be able to see the storage location of the current file in the window bar.



Mac Pro Mojave here. Window bar paths reserved ONLY for edited “Apple validated” apps. Sublime Text, not “Apple validated”. Also, no menu item View / Show Menu. Sorry. Must be another Mac method.

Further, from Mac stance, having to edit before evaluation path in Window Bar sucks. Right click in Sublime text OPEN FILES list, please.



sorry, I only used a Mac for about 90 seconds in my entire live. It was to enter my email address (I couldn’t find the windows-key).

If you are in a bind the following might be helpful:

  1. save your current workspace with Project / Save Project as … to a known location
  2. this will create two files, *.sublime-project and *.sublime-workspace
  3. open *.sublime-workspace in sublimetext, the content of this file should contain the paths to all files. Some files are only shown relative to *.sublime-project file.
  4. the file has a lot of text, search for "file_history"

let’s hope others with more UX for ST on Mac can chime in here…



Yeah, agree with usig.

We need Ux for ST on Mac to build us a brilliant ‘show/copy file path’ on right click.



Do you have this option, on a Mac?

On Windows / Linux you have a right-click, Copy File Path context menu.



Right clicking on the text buffer has 3 options on macOS: (each enabled when applicable)

  1. Reveal in Finder
  2. Copy File Path
  3. Reveal in Side Bar

You can also view the full path to a file in the title bar with the setting show_full_path set to true. On macOS, you can also Cmd+click the title bar to get the folder hierarchy in a stack that can be clicked on to open folders.

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Nope. Just this.

Which are sometimes misleading. Under unknown conditions, Open File may simply center file that is ‘open file’ in Sublime window. Or, just now may sometimes open Finder window with limited features, as follows.

Right-click services menus do not include my custom Copy File Path service, in fact the Finder popup and Command Bar menu lack any usual Services fly-out - just the silly Share fly-out, so your flavorite hacker could fly in from say Bucharest, for a fee and then some. But you could mail it to Sublime tech support and ask them to come around and help you find the file (sardonic). We do know from the popup that the file is in a folder called Styles: and I only have about ten thousand of those, which narrows down the search (sort of, maybe lucky and hit on the right disk?). Of course, clicking on Open… brings us back to Sublime. I did see an Open, test run of this Share focus popup event, but not here in screen shot. Lol. Guess that sort of sums up non-project files for Sublime and Apple.

This is the Quick Look, if anyone was curious about how Apple hides things away, when proper access protocol is not followed.

So not very helpful…



The pop up menu you get when you right click on a tab is different than the one you get when you right click inside of the file. As @srbs said, right clicking in the buffer will give you the menu that @usig showed in the screenshot above, which includes Copy File Path.

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Odat, review edit here, seriously was clicking every way ever imained by homo sapiens - even arms and legs stretched sideways, coffee in other hand. End Of Edit / Save Edit

Oh dear ODAT, if only we all lived your wonderful dream… Please read carefully, “Under unknown conditions, Open File may simply center file that is ‘open file’ in Sublime window. Or, just now may sometimes open Finder window with limited features…”
Just a reminder of where this thread is going, things get lost when on the fly you drop a SINGLE FILE into Sublime OPEN FILES.

Folders are another story ( Seriously now, it is very easy to project files in Sublime. Just drag and drop any folder from desktop or Finder into Sublime OPEN FILES.

Just a demo, off-topic.



Actually, @OdatNurd instructed you to right click in the buffer, that is the part of Sublime Text where you can view and modify the file contents. This will always be visible, even if you completely hide the side bar.

Alternatively, use the Key Bindings documentation and create your own key binding for the command copy_path.

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We need Ux for ST on Mac to build us a brilliant ‘show/copy file path’ on right click



Actually, that does sweet nothing. For macOS Mojave right, left, upside-down, sideways arms and legs stretching out, nada, nothing, waste of effort, stone-dead-click, etc.

Will, space man! Do not be discouraged. For everything else we can think of, macOS and Sublime are excellent companions. Its just that OPEN FILES focus that we can’t help noticing is almost there.

Obstacle: SIP (System Integrity Protection)



You’ll have to explain what steps you took. It worked fine for me on Mojave just now.