There is an ugly workaround that sheds a little light into where the problem lays. I recently switched back to a current build and tinkered around with the project settings to make it somewhat workable.
You have to seperate all folders where duplicate folder names (which dont get loaded) reside into seperate folder configurations.
“name”: “PROJECT-NAME”,
“name”: “Cgi”,
“path”: “{{PATH}}\Cgi\src”,
“folder_exclude_patterns”: [],
“file_exclude_patterns”: [],
“follow_symlinks”: true,
}, {
“name”: “Cli”,
“path”: “{{PATH}}\Cli\src”,
“folder_exclude_patterns”: [],
“file_exclude_patterns”: [],
“follow_symlinks”: true,
Thought I didn’t figure out how to make nested folder structures this way. Maybe you guys have an idea.