Sublime Forum

Feature Request: Option to make hanging indentation apply to text, not just source


Currently, wrapped lines of source code are indented one additional level, but wrapped lines of text are indented to the same level as the original line. I regularly use Sublime Text to edit plain text files and I would prefer that both text and source have a hanging indent when wrapped (as in Atom and other editors).

As best I can tell from this and other discussions, there’s presently no way to achieve this (except to edit, for example, the .tmLanguage file for Plain Text to treat text as source, but this has negative side-effects like disabling spell check).



Global setting for indenting soft wrapping of text
Hanging indent for Markdown lists

there’s also a feature request for the opposite here:



What about just telling Sublime to treat .txt files as if they were a different type of text that displays with hanging indents? I just randomly picked one called “Rust” (no idea what that is, fellow non-programming user here) and it uses hanging indents.



After seeing this setting in Visual Studio Code and BBEdit, I can see this being a great option to have that we can overwrite by using the setting syntax specific settings in Sublime.

Why don’t I just use VS Code? I am not a developer. I looked into building my own extensions in vs code. It seems very complicated and turned me off. I little python goes a long way with ST. I have a lot of python extensions that I wrote to help me. From my perspective, Sublime Text is the sweet spot. Handles large files, fast, easy to extend for the non-developer, minimalistic. That is another area that I found unappealing with vscode. Maybe it is that I am getting older, but it seemed very cluttered, too many distractions even when you turn most of them off.

Sorry to digress. Just thrilled to use ST. Again, please consider adding the hanging indent as an option we can set per syntax.