When sublime soft word wraps code it will indent the next line by the length of the tab. This is great for code but it seems to be turned off for anything Sublime considers text such as LaTeX.
Is there a way to turn the visual indent on globally? I was sort of able to achieve the indented wrapping with LaTeX by editing the Latex package and changing the scope to be source.tex.latex, but then that broke other latex packages that rely on knowing the scope to be text.tex.latex. Plus there are other scopes such as markdown that I would like this as well.
In bbedit this is called 'reverse" for the soft wrapped indentation.
I can see why someone would want the existing behavior for plain text lines that need to wrap, but in files like markdown and LaTeX the text on the line could be preceded by a dash or an \index or something else. Visually it doesn’t look all that appealing and makes the text difficult to follow when the line wraps under the \index for example. Then you can have this nested and it makes it even harder to read. Having the hanging indent really helps.
I see this has been questioned before but there was never a response on the forum. If this isn’t possible now, please consider adding this feature globally