Sublime Forum

Draw_normal not working for indentation guides


draw_normal parameter does not work for setting colors of indent_guides
but draw_active works just fine

“indent_guide_options”: [“draw_active”], // in sublime settings, color scheme takes notice, OK
“indent_guide_options”: [“draw_normal”], // in sublime settings, color scheme does NOT take notice, FAIL

application in color scheme

“active_guide”: “#909090”, // taken notice of with draw_active
“stack_guide”: “#909090”, // seemingly ignored, also with draw_normal

this should provide a precise pinpointing of the problem

using latest sublime, macos, sublimerepl, anaconda, pck control, sublimelinter, flake 8

ref How to change the color of Tab lines in Sublime (3)


How to change the color of Tab lines in Sublime (3)

Seems to be working as I would expect here:

Settings say that normal and active guides should be displayed, as well as highlighting the location where the cursor is located.

The color of guides should generally be magenta, which is shown on lines 45 and 46. Since the cursor is on line 51 here, that indented block is the currently active guide, which is drawn in lime, and all of the guides leading up to that one are rendered white.

Note that the documentation says:

  • “guide” is the color to draw indent guides, but only when draw_normal is present
  • “active_guide” is used to draw indent guides for the indentation levels containing the caret, but only when draw_active is present
  • “stack_guide” is used to draw the indent guides for the parent indentation levels of the indentation level containing the caret, but only when draw_active is present.

Based on your example above, you have not set a guide color; so in that case the color that’s used is coming from the default one set in the color scheme. Or if you will, you don’t seem to be customizing the correct color scheme option for the effect you’re trying to achieve.


How to change the color of the lines
How to change the color of Tab lines in Sublime (3)

GREAT, SOLVED! thanks.