@facelessuser, the gif is ~ accurate, sadly it was recorded at 8 FPS, now recorded another at ~30, @jps thanks for looking into it, perhaps this is because my laptop has its processor underclosed to ~1GHz. The detailed hardware settings are:
- Processor Intel i3-390M
@2.67 GHz
: (Underclocked to 1 GHz)
AMD64 Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel 6 2505
@1067 MHz
C:\>wmic MemoryChip get BankLabel, Capacity, MemoryType, TypeDetail, Speed
BankLabel Capacity MemoryType Speed TypeDetail
BANK 0 4294967296 24 1067 128
BANK 2 4294967296 24 1067 128
- GPU IntelÂŽ HD Graphics 64 MB of RAM
C:\>wmic path win32_VideoController get name
Intel(R) HD Graphics
- Operating system and version:
- Windows 10 build 15063 x64
- Monitor:
- Resolution 1920x1080
used in ST 1.0
- Sublime Text:
I recorded a video using Camtasia, which has much better precision for demonstration. On a vanilla install (first part of the video/animation bellow) it does show up much faster than on my current installation with my project and packages.
- https://vid.me/YAnBw
For now I reverted back to build 3147, where it works fine: