Sublime Forum

Dev Build 3133


font_options with gdi

font_options without gdi

“font_face”: “YaHei Consolas Hybrid”



I agree completely regarding .deb format. I don’t want to overwrite any existing files I have, and I can tar xf, but is it just one directory? Better instructions on how to apt-get the update would also help.

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As far as updated from a deb to the repo. I had installed my original version via the deb on my Linux box. I followed the instructions for apt on the Sublime doc site which adds the repo.

It doesn’t mention it, but then you run sudo apt-get update. After that, I just did sudo apt-get install sublime-text, and it updated. Everything looks fine from what I can tell.



The RPM package signature was not recognized in my fedora install. DNF failed with an error
Error: Package sublime-text-3133-1.x86_64.rpm is not signed
should I open a new topic for this?

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Thanks for the heads up, I’ll look into why the signing didn’t happen properly.

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You can get the latest dev build .deb from It will redirect you to the current file. I will add a .asc GPG signature file for the .deb archives so you can verify they are from Sublime HQ, using the apt GPG key listed on the linux repos docs. Apparently no one uses signed .deb, instead they just sign the apt repo itself.


Bring back ability to download .deb files

It seems I cannot anymore have the list of methods (for a php extention) using the CTRL-R action…since the last update…something special to reactivate it or is it only me who have the problem ?



I faced the same issue, can you please update here once the problem is solved at your end? thanks!



Goto Symbol works in PHP for me, and there were no syntax changes between 3132 and 3133…
is it the keybinding that stopped working for you or the symbol index? (i.e. what happens when you use the Goto menu?)



Dev Build 3133 crashed in my Windows 10 64 bit. When launched, it just hang and can’t load anything. It started with 3122 update though. After updating from popup notification, it hang when launched. I rolled back to Build 3126 and can start Sublime Text normally. Is there a log file where I can find the issue?



The RPMs have been signed and the repo updated. I’ve also fixed the issue that caused them not to be signed in the first place.

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A bug has been introduced by either build 3132 or 3133 with respect to the API’s set_view_index() method. It looks to me like a classic example of an off-by-one error.

When setting the new index for a view instead of the index being indexed from zero, as it used to be, it now needs to be indexed from one. However get_view_index() still returns the view index from zero.

Important: All of the above also applies to sheets, i.e. using set_sheet_index() and get_sheet_index().

EDIT: I have now noticed that the bug occurs only when moving rightwards, i.e. setting set_view_index() or set_sheet_index() to a value greater than its current indexed position. When moving leftwards, normal indexing from zero works just as it should do.

Reproduce with:

  • Open a new window, create 2 new buffers, naming them 1 and 2 (or open 2 files)
  • Open the console and get the view of the buffer on the LEFT: view = window.active_view()
  • Now set the view index to move it right: window.set_view_index(view, 0, 1)
  • Nothing happens; well it was probably ‘moved’ to the same position it was already in
  • Now set the view move-to index to 2: window.set_view_index(view, 0, 2)
  • There are only 2 buffers, so that should have been out-of-range, but instead it moves right

I only noticed the bug when one of the first plugins I ever wrote, which moves a buffer left and right on the tab bar, stopped working properly.




I have just tested and It worked fine now, thanks



@kingkeith same problem with goto menu…I can see a popup with @ and that’s all…no list,or method is proposed when I type something.I use Windows 10.



well I don’t know what happened, but suddenly…it worked again…confused…cannot understand…it was after I tried to go with the menu…it was the same…but after when I switched to another project and used CTRL-R all was fine…and all seems to be ok everywhere now…no idea about what happened…but for me it’s ok…I will check after next update if the same occurs. Strange…Thkx for your support.



It seems it was your new installation of Sublime Text. Right always you install it, Sublime Text start re-indexing all your files. So, when it is not finished, you cannot use the Ctrl+R command. But soon as Sublime Text finish analyzing all your files, the Ctrl+R feature is available again.

While Sublime Text does not finish it, you will notice this on the status bar:


  1. $1721 Clicking on the index icon open multiple windows, which does not remember the last size
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@addons_zz thanks for your explanations and animated movie.

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Japanese input still broken on Linux.



To someone who is not familiar with Japanese input, can you provide a link to an issue on that describes the issue?

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I couldn’t find a matching issue. The problem is with the standard Japanese IME on GNOME for CentOS and many other distros.

In Settings->Region & Language you can add “Japanese (Kana Kanji)” as an input source. Switching to this input source from the icon in the GNOME panel allows you to enter Japanese characters.

It works with GEdit, Emacs, GVim, Atom, Vscode, Brackets, GNOME Terminal, LibreOffice, etc… It does not work in Sublime Text. Sublime Text ignores the setting and enters standard roman characters.