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Debugger for C


I guess you don’t have debugging information enabled when compiling the programs. I get this behaviour when not adding -g to the compiler’s command line. How do you compile the programs exactly?



The clangd LSP uses the .clang-format file to format, so you should need to do nothing else but configure that file.



I have a build system that I found for C a long time ago now not sure, because I wasn’t sure how to setup up mine. I also build it sometimes during the terminal as well build it using gcc -o Example Example.c and that is it. I do not use any other flags while compiling.

Here is my build system that I use:

“target”: “terminus_exec”,
“cancel”: “terminus_cancel_build”,
“auto_close”: false,
“focus”: true,
“timeit”: true,
// “post_window_hooks”: [
// [“carry_file_to_pane”, {“direction”: “down”}]
// ],

“shell_cmd”: “gcc -std=c17 “${file}” -o “${file_path}/${file_base_name}” && “${file_path}/${file_base_name}””,
“file_regex”: “^(…[^:]):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.)$”,
“working_dir”: “${file_path}”,
“selector”: “source.c”,

     "name": "Run",
    "shell_cmd": "gcc -std=c17 \"${file}\" -o \"${file_path}/${fileb_base_name}\" && \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}\""


I don’t know how to edit here to make it all appear inside a code like structure so I am sorry if it looks weird but the build works fine I use it all the time, if you have a better one or something or know how to make a better one I would appreciate it as I always use terminus to build this and the output is always fine.

I can use the terminal but I use that only if I need to change certain compiling parameters or if I need to time the program.



Aha alright I will do that right now. Thank you.



You need at least to add a -g to have debug information, like

gcc -std=c17 -g “${file}” -o “${file_path}/${file_base_name}"

but I would change that to

clang -std=c17 -Wall -pedantic -g -o "${file_path}/${file_base_name}" "${file}"

clang if you use clang, I would only use gcc if you have actually installed GCC and want to use that - Apple’s clang has the alias gcc on MacOS. -Wall -pedantic adds more warnings, you want all the warnings you can get from the compiler, trust me :wink:



Okay I wrote the build system with clang and I get the error when building:

Now I probably messed something up with setting this file path and all I have never done this, plus what is the difference between clang and gcc mainly?

As far as the warnings go, I agree for sure but I had no idea about these extra flag paremeters in compilng and I had no idea you can use this clang instead of gcc. I am oblivious totally to this it seems.



Yes, the "${file}" is missing before the &&

clang is the C compiler of LLVM, gcc is the C compiler of GCC. These are two different compilers, so to be clear which one you are using, you should use it’s “real” name. It (theoretically :wink: should not make any difference when you aren’t using compiler extensions (which you can’t when setting -stc=c17 -pedantic-error).

And all C compilers have loads of options and flags and …



Okay I see, okay I managed to set it up now to use clang build system specifically LLVM :smile:, I am going to give it a try now to see if the debugging is maybe working or not and I will let you know.

Interesting how many stuff one learns by having someone like you explain these things, I really appreciate your time and effort in helping me solve this as well as additional info you are providing me which is really useful stuff to know. :slight_smile:



Nope it seems that the issue is still the same, still nothing on the debugger :cry:.

Also do you have any specific settings that you use or find useful for LSP-clangd while we are at this topic?



Try compiling the file manually in a terminal. First delete the executable (just to be sure) and then compile it:

rm C_Euler_Project/Problem3
clang -std=c17 -Wall -pedantic -g -o C_Euler_Project/Problem3 C_Euler_Project/Problem3.c

When you debug Problem3 now, it should work.



Nevermind, it worked :smile:

Holy crap… finally something is working :blush:

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Do you have a breakpoint in the source at a location, where it can “break” on normal execution?



Everything is working fine finally, thank you very much, it seems that the clang building did the trick. :grin:

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Also regarding the clangd settings in the LSP do you have any specific setings set there that are useful for using C and C++?



Glad to hear! You’re welcome.

That’s my LSP-clangd settings file:

    "system_binary": "clangd",
    "initializationOptions": {
        "clangd.all-scopes-completion": true,
        "clangd.background-index": true,
        "clangd.clang-tidy": true,
        "clangd.function-arg-placeholders": true,
        "clangd.header-insertion": "iwyu",
        "clangd.enable-config": true,

This also enables clang-tidy, the static code checker of LLVM, which uses the config file .clang-tidy. But for now I would not configure that.

I use another static linter, cppcheck, which can be installed using homebrew install cppcheck and the package with and this configuration (SublimeLinter):

    "linters": {
        "cppcheck": {
            "styles": [
                    "phantom": "{msg}",
        "cppcheck++": {
            "styles": [
                    "phantom": "{msg}",


Aha , awesome, well I do not use any other linters just plain LSP. I was using them before I found out about LSP and don’t seem to need them anymore that much.

I am using pure C without Cpp yet so I am not sure if there even are any other linters for C like the one you listed for Cpp you are using.

Also about the formatting something you were mentioning, is there a setting that you can change the formatting, cause the LSP formatting on save seems to format a weird 2 or 2.5 tab indentation and I use always 4 spaces as every tab indentation?

Again thanks for all the info and help :slightly_smiling_face:



Most of them are for C and C++.

Yes, just add

IndentWidth: 4 
UseTab: Never

in the .clang-format, after the BasedOnStyle: line.

And you’re welcome, I’m glad I could help.

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Thanks! :smiley: