Sublime Forum

Changing Autocomplete Suggestions


Hi everyone,

I’m wondering if it’s possible to change what sublime’s autocomplete suggests. I’ve noticed that sublime offers up suggestions that are sometimes not relevant to what I’m typing. For example, it is suggesting cluster.disconnect when I’m going for store.dispatch (from Redux.js)

There is a way to set change what phrases sublime is suggesting by setting the relevant domain to redux, or at least javascript, is that correct?



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Sublime Text makes suggestions

  • provided by plugins
  • provided in *.sublime-completions files
  • keywords words contained in your document

The built-in completion system works by text not by code structure. ST actually doesn’t have an idea of the source code structure and their dependencies.

To get such a kind of completion, you need to install one of the code intelligence plugins:

  • LSP (language-server-protocol) package together with a JavaScript language server
  • SublimeCodeIntel (maybe)
  • CodeComplice (nearly the same like SublimeCodeIntel)
  • maybe others

Too many autocomplete suggestions