Sublime Forum

Bug? two windows open, only one restarted


windows 11, stable channel 4189

i believe i inadvertently closed down my main window (window 1) of documents, complete with specific origami layout, not realising another instance/window (window 2) was still open.

when i noticed THAT, i closed window 2.

now, the only window that comes up on restart is window 2, which is entirely useless, as it was used for scratch / temporary documents only.

while i know all the important files are fine, is there a backup history of the window layout (complete with origami settings, if possible) i can revert to, or do i need to rebuild the layout from scratch? which, of course, means i’ll need to remember which files were open, where they were, etc… not life-threatening, but an annoying amount of time better spent elsewhere.




Unless you used a project file, which separately save your window data, no there’s no way to restore that.

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thanks. i guess it’s what i expected, but hoped against hope.

i may have to uninstall and reinstall here. what little i changed last night changed once again this morning. not sure what’s going on, but i’m not used to being fooled by instability with ST…



I’ve gotten caught by this more than once. There are two ways as I’m aware to ensure that you don’t lose it:

  1. Always have a new unsaved document in your main window that you want to keep (which will result in a confirmation dialogue if you accidentally close it first), or
  2. Save your main window as a project as well. (and then if you close it first you can use switch project to get back to it).

I’m using option 2 for the moment (saved as a project in Documents)



Blockquote I’m using option 2 for the moment (saved as a project in Documents)

fwiw, i’ve started saving to projects and workspaces. noticed, though, the project file contains a single json definition, with nothing inside.


the workspace seems to have everything within that i’d expect, though i’m not 100% sure about the origami file/tab positions… those i can fix in a few minutes…

is an “empty” project file expected after project save, or is something else going on behind the scenes i don’t know about?




Yes, the almost-empty .sublime-project file is correct. Everything else (tabs, layout, undo history, file history, command history, autocomplete history etc) is in the .sublime-workspace file. It is split up that way so that the project file is ok to be checked into version control. Sublime’s docs for projects are here:

Most projects that I have are only the following in the .sublime-project file. (the folders key is a list of the folders that are shown on the sidebar)

            "path": ".",


Most projects that I have are only the following in the .sublime-project file. (the folders key is a list of the folders that are shown on the sidebar)

does this mean that saving to the project file is all i need to do, that the workspace file is generated automatically? i’ve been saving both at the same time… if saving project also saves workspace, i can stop doing the two-step… thanks :slight_smile:



Yes. that is correct. The workspace file is generated automatically once you save the project.



strange, but thank you for the clarification :slight_smile: it is appreciated…



Why strange? It is the file your unsaved content is stored to.



Here is the related topic: