[Possible Bug] Sublime editor becomes Yellow
- System: Using the latest Sublime Text 3.0 (Build 3143) on Mac OSX (10.10.4, mid-2015)
- The whole sublime screen becomes yellow when switching screens or windows (mostly randomly), except when you are working on the editor.
- No performance issues are observed.
Steps to repro:
- One or more windows opened (I have mostly 2-4 windows opened).
- Try loading projects and files (in my case at least 15-20 are always open and overall could be 25+)
- Try switching screens or do some other work (except on this editor) with sublime opened in the bg for some time.
- Observe that randomly, the screen becomes yellow, as if there was a rendering issue with it. Everything on the editor - project panels, tabs, bottom bar and the top header - everything and on all instances.
- Bring back sublime into focus, and it goes away and everything seems to work fine.
- Reproducibility: ~ 39% [got 5 in 13 times]
I don’t have a screengrab right now, as I had sensitive data, but will update the thread as soon as possible with a grab.
PS: Lucky enough to get a grab immediately after this post: https://prnt.sc/gvr05z