Sublime TextのRemote FTP機能を使用し、Xサーバーにファイルをアップロードしています。しかし、最近新しく契約したサーバーアカウントでエラーが発生するようになりました。
設定では “type”: “ftp” にしているにもかかわらず、エラーには「SFTP」と表示される。
サーバー番号が sv16302 以降の環境で発生している。
使用しているSublime Textのバージョンは 4192。
Remote FTP Error on X Server
I am using Sublime Text’s Remote FTP feature to upload files to X Server. However, I recently started encountering errors with newly contracted server accounts.
Even though the setting is “type”: “ftp”, the error message indicates “SFTP”.
An encoding error appears, but the setting is UTF-8, so there should be no issue.
I have used many X Server accounts before, and there have been no issues with the previous ones.
I have not changed any settings.
The issue occurs on servers numbered sv16302 and later.
I contacted X Server support, but they could not provide a solution.
The version of Sublime Text I am using is 4192.
If anyone has encountered the same issue and resolved it, please share the solution.
/// Error
An encoding error was encountered trying to read from the server. Please adjust the “remote_encoding” setting in sftp-config.json.
Common encodings include:
“utf-8”: Default and most common encoding
“cp1252” or “iso-8859-15”: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish and Portuguese
“cp1250”: Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian (Latin Script), Slovak and Slovene
“cp1251”: Bulgarian, Russian and Serbian (Cyrillic)
“cp1253”: Modern Greek
“cp1254”: Turkish
“cp1255”: Hebrew
“cp1256”: Arabic, Persian and Urdu
“cp1257”: Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian
“cp1258”: Vietnamese