Sublime Forum

Working-tree-encoding and git diff



Sublime Merge is great.

However, the diff behaves a bit different than git diff when using non-utf8 files.

Without any .gitattributes and files in windows-1252 encoding:

  • git diff shows Markers like <FC> for ü on both sides of the diff, if lines containing non-utf8 characters are changed
  • Sublime Merge shows the non-utf8 chars like they are displayed in Sublime Text if encoding is set to Windows 1252

When i add ‘*.c text working-tree-encoding=windows-1252’ to .gitattributes, and do a git add --renormalize . and a commit then the following happens in all further changes:

  • git diff shows diffs in the correct encoding, showing ü instead of <FC>
  • When the file is unstaged, Sublime merge shows a ‘gray’ (no red/green, but a stageable hunk) change on every occurence of any non-utf8 character in the file.
  • When the file is staged, Sublime merge shows only the diff of the actually changed lines.

If I stage one of those gray hunks via Sublime Merge, the following happens:

  • I thing some utf-8 version is staged??
  • All occourences of non-utf8 characters that have been gray in the diff are now red/green with a change from ü to ü.
  • The staged hunk is now gray
  • git diff shows - <FC> + ü
  • git diff --staged shows - ü + <FC>
  • But git diff only shows the origially changed line and the staged hunk, but none of the other hunks that Sublime Merge shows.

Thanks for fixing



Which version of Sublime Merge are you using? Build 2002 has support for encodings.



Ah, 1119. Hm Thought it would update automatically like ST. But maybe because I am behind a proxy…



2002 is the latest development build. 1119 is the latest stable build.



2004 does do it differently, but still not correctly.
Would it help to create an example repo or is it reproducible by my description?



Likely, if you can post an issue on the issue tracker on github.



Thanks for your time and help