Sublime Forum

Word Wrap Defaulting to ON - want wordwrap defaulting to OFF


How do i universally disable word wrap for ALL file types?
For every 24857623895692783658923 files I want word wrap enabled about once, I would like the default word wrap state to be off not on. How do i affect this change ?



See the "word_wrap" setting.



I load a .foo file. word wrap defaults to on. I set it off.
I load a .bar file. word wrap defaults to ON. I set it to off.

I want word wrap to be globally defaulted to OFF for .xyz files, for .abc files for .foo files for .bar files for .fud files for .bam files, for .YOU_NAME_IT files.

simply put I want the GLOBAL default for word wrap to be GLOBALLY set to off for ALL FILE TYPES… until I say otherwise for individual files lol I want the default to be OPT IN not opt out.

sorry for the confusion, maybe I didnt state my problem space well enough : )



That’s what the "word_wrap" setting does.



Specifically, Preferences > Settings from the menu, in the window that opens, include "word_wrap": false, in the settings listed there (make sure it’s between the { and } characters).

The items in the View menu that you can pick to alter these kinds of settings are view specific; they apply only the currently focused file, and only while the file is open (they get discarded when you close the file).