Sublime Forum

Witty Javascript Code Intel


There are currently no IDEs out there that (in my opinion) provide a good enough code intel/code completion experience.
Komodo was so far the best, but even when coding Node.js applications did it fall short.

At first I was quite sad that Sublime’s autocomplete function was just simply spitting out words found in the current file,
but finding out there was an easy API to work with changed all that.

I decided to write my own Code Intel plugin for Javascript, called “Witty”
It is far from complete. A lot of the code is still early “proof-of-concept” code, but since “perfect is the enemy of good” I wanted to show something so far.

I’m also not used to writing python code, so that’s a fun challenge as well.

[size=150]What does it do so far?[/size]
Right now, the only thing it does is return the usable variables for the current scope you’re in.
I’m currently working on improving the parsing behind-the-screens before I add more functions (like variable properties and the like)

The plugin can be found on Github:

[size=150]Any questions?[/size]
If anyone has any questions or feature requests, ask away!