Sublime Forum

Why cant i save my files? I paid for this


if i try to save a file in sublime, it says unable to save such and such, error : permission denied,

But I have the paid version. If i go into the help menu, there is an option to remove license, thus indicating
that my license is activated. So how come I cant save my files then?



Which one is your operating system and version?

Also, Sublime Text inherits your user accounts privileges, path, etc, so if you do not have access to that folder where you want to save the file, sublime text cannot save.



If you’re under Windows then maybe setting atomic save to false in the preferences will helps.
Preferences -> Settings, and there, in the Preferences.sublime-settings (User) just put “atomic_save”: false alogside with any other option already present, for example:

    "afn_use_project_root": true,
    "atomic_save": false,
    "bold_folder_labels": true,
    "caret_style": "phase"


Atomic save is disabled by default. Still worth a try if they enabled it.