Sublime Forum

Where did keyboard shortcuts go?


I recently upgraded to SublimeMerge 2.0. When I did, I lost the ability to merge changes with they keyboard. I used to use Cmd+N to go to the next conflict and Cmd+Shift+] and Cmd+Shift+[ to pull in the changes from right and left. Cmd+N still works, but Cmd+Shift+[/] does not.

I’ve read the docs on key bindings, but I don’t understand those docs and they don’t seem to help me to understand:

  • where are the default bindings defined
  • how to create new bindings for specific actions

How can one learn the new key bindings or restore the old ones?



Aha. I did a mouse-over on the arrows and found the new shortcuts are Cmd+Shift+. and ,.



Cmd+Shift+] and Cmd+Shift+[ were commandeered for switching tabs, thus the new shortcuts.