After using sublime for a while i came up with the following thoughts:
Very pretty interface
Support for snippets and macros
Multi select
Splitting mode (dual view, etc)
I do like the minimap but i would also like to have a project manager on the left side for files. I know that control+p shortcut does a similar job but when i’m dealing with a bigger website i find it a bit hard to travel to my directories
The missing of a ftp mananger.
Comparing with another text editor like e-texteditor(which btw it’s DAMN slow) i find Sublime to be way better.
I give sublime 9 out of 10
@sublimator wouldn’t python+its awesome libraries be a pro, not a con? [/quote]
He needed some coffee thats why he mistyped
Anyways for FTP check this thread out
I use that and totalcmd but mostly totalcmd now lol which again solves your 2 cons
anyways what’s so hard about going to directories? I have a BIG drupal project and it has TONS of folders I am fine with ctrl+p for project pane
If I wanna see everything in a directory I just use directoryname/, I too used to like the sticky pane on left for my files but now I find that slow! specially on big nested folders.
mostly most of the time you already know the filename so is just matter of typing part of it’s name.
Now let’s say you have multiple index.php/html files, just do directory/index.php/html and boom… no need to travel a million folders
Trust me once you get used to it, you’ll find the other option SLOW lol.
HOWEVER for the people that are addicted to that left sticky pane with files like if it was cocaine read on!
If you still want the other option IT IS possible in sublime just not completely obvious and THAT functional, but it works.
The project panel on the left works like so:
window.runCommand('openBrowseableProject "ABSOLUTE PATH TO SUBLIME-PROJECT FILE"')
this will open up the project in a left pane that you can browse with your mouse.
BTW you can do this with as many project-files you want, the pane will just create a new tab and now you have your “project pane” on the left with all your projects
But then again I believe, SublimeText should stick to one thing and be GREAT at that. Functionalities of other software (ftp,directory managers) should not be in the editor itself but should be easy enough to integrate/make your own (WHICH IT IS! )
**I give sublime 20 out of 10 ** - you simply wont find anything as powerful and flexible out there
Bingo everybody is happy