Sublime Forum

What happened to my post?



Four days ago I posted asking how to restrict autocomplete so that it would only pop up when at least 2 or more characters are entered.

I rushed off to some place in rural France without internet, and upon coming back find nought a trace of it.

(a) Did I imagine posting in in the first place?

(b) Was it removed by some higher authority for lack of interest?

© Was it garbage collected by the system because of lack of activity?

(d) Some combination of (b) and © involving substitution of a human for the system, or of “lack of interest” for “lack of activity”

Thanks. (And still interested in my original question, by the way.)



I find your post easily in your posted topics. No one answered though.

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Note also that posts on the front page are ordered by last activity and filtered by the drop down box. You can find it there by setting the appropriate filter (or using All Categories) and then looking down until you find the items that were last active 4 days ago (unless of course it has more recent activity at the time you try it).



OK, well, my feeble defense is that with a bit of un-luck, that posted topics page was FOUR clicks aways from my homepage.

(1. Click my logo top right corner. 2. Click on the ‘bookmark’ icon (knowing no better) -> The ‘activity’ tab is now active but just shows the message ‘you have no bookmarks’ 4. Click on ‘summary’. 5. Click back on ‘activity’ again… and finally I see my posts. Mf.)

So anyway… while I have people’s attention… the autocomplete thing? :grimacing: