A plugin I use (filterlines) sometimes has a problem where the menu options that it adds via the Main.sublime-menu
file are greyed out and unselectable.
I’m not the developer but I have looked at the code and there’s nothing in the plugin that looks like it would influence the “enabled” status of these menu items. (the developer has not been able to reproduce the issue, but a couple users have had it – see https://github.com/davidpeckham/sublime-filterlines/issues/53)
I am aware that plugins can implement a is_enabled
callback which can be used to influence the enabled status of the commands. However, this plugin does not implement is_enabled, and according to the is_enabled documentation
(is_enabled) Returns True if the command is able to be run at this time. The default implementation simply always returns True
What other reasons, besides is_enabled
might a plugin’s menu items be greyed out?