Sublime Forum

We're improving the Unofficial Docs - Support us!



The countdown has started — 10 days to go! We’re slightly behind our goal, but we’ll persevere.

Just to reiterate what FichteFoll said: we’ll keep working on the undocs in any case; just at a slower pace.

Big thanks to all the backers so far. We hope to be able to give you back something you find useful.



+50$ :smile:
Great job and I’m very excited for the improvements!



Thanks lefoy!




Important task indeed. Best of luck with raising the required amount.



Do you accept pull requests for the docs? I’m not interested in paying more for docs intended to patch up gaping holes in a product I’ve already paid for, but I agree with the criticisms of the writing style here and I would enjoy taking a crack at some of the prose.



Hi valrus,

PRs are welcome, but we can’t promise they will be merged. If your only motivation is to impose your own style over the existing one because you don’t find it to your liking, it’s better not to. That said, factual corrections, grammar, typos, new content and stuff along those lines is more likely to get accepted.



We are very likely going to revise all of the existing docs and the general style, including phrasing, structure and the like; and then add more. Of course, you are free to submit a pull request at any time, but it might be entirely possible that we won’t accept it at all (because we don’t agree with you, but the same applies to all kinds of PRs) or that in the end the text will be completely different because we revised it later.

We currently have a lot of open PRs but they are all going to be merged or closed very soon.



Hi dwightr,

The only claim we can make is that they are more complete that the documentation available on this site. Nobody asked us to create them, but at the time it seemed a better idea than running in circles on this forum asking the same questions time and again.

I’m sorry to hear that you think they are bad in the main, but the whole point of this campaign is to find an additional incentive to improve the unofficial docs using our own private time. If you can point out specific shortcomings, we’ll have a chance to make changes as appropriate.

If you want better docs from Sublime Hq, it looks like you’ll have to wait. If you want better unofficial docs, you can contribute in many ways now.

Today’s the closing day for the campaign. Many, many thanks once more to all backers! :slight_smile:



The two authors of the unofficial docs deserve our full support and have done a great job so far. I hope that they see the current level backing as an indicator of community support even when it does not reach their full goal.