Sublime Forum

Webp visible after 10 years now?



Is there after almost 10 years now a way to view webp images in Sublimetext ?





WebP has only been supported by all major browsers since 2020. On macOS you can preview webp files but apps like “Preview” don’t support editing. On Windows the preview in explorer is provided by chrome and “Pictures” doesn’t support the format at all. Nautilus on Ubuntu doesn’t do thumbnails nor does eye of gnome (image viewer) support the format. Even if we included libraries for more image formats or used system APIs for that, webp would still not be a supported format.

Something funny I found in testing this is google’s own webp comparison site uses pngs instead of webp:



Something funny I found in testing this is google’s own webp comparison site uses pngs instead of webp:

Google uses PNG’s to show the benefit of using webp instead! Don’t understand what your getting at. Somebody messed with the code it’s just a stupid mistake.

This is the proper link to the image your referring to:

I’m talking about previewing webp in Sublime Text.

Is it not about time to fix it?. At least I see something then for what I pay every year!

Images preview like webp is something that is possible in VS code for years. It would be handy to be able to preview any image extension. Available packages for sublime to preview links don’t even work well.

There are limited packages anyway compare to VS code Like non for Bootstrap 5 except for a half baked Bootstrap 4 snippets that partly work for Bootstrap 5 and only one to create webp! For the price you pay every year it is getting out of hand!!!

This is VS code previewing webp:



VS Code is a browser.



Yes the browser version and…?



The SM dev build released today (2084) added webp image diffing support and it was indicated by one of the devs that it would probably come in the next dev build of ST.

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Now I wonder is this a coincidence or SM has it done within 5 days since this post was created. :upside_down_face:

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I can confirm it is not a coincidence