I wonder what issues you are having. I literally just downloaded SFTP the other day on a new machine.
I do understand the need for reviews that would be nice.
As for the “sublime text approved” label, let’s visualize it.
Let’s say Sublime HQ makes a list of “sublime text approved” packages.
Now, let’s say SidebarEnhancements is “sublime text approved” but the package developer deliberately chose not to communicate a certain change to the users (even though they can and package control already helps them announce it to their existing users).
Should we hold Sublime HQ responsible? Maybe remove the “approved” label? Sanction them like maybe put their name on a wall of shame or send them a lawsuit for damaging their reputation?
By then, will package developers even care enough to be recognized officially?
Let’s take it a step higher. What if we also require everyone to be official. Every package developer are now required to follow these rules.
What would happen to the existing packages then? Gut them all out? Maybe we can send all package developers a notice that they need to agree to these rules before removing their package.
Will a person who volunteers to do something even care to agree to these rules?
Does this mean Sublime HQ is now responsible to everyone’s packages?
Let’s say it’s all sunshine and rainbows. Package developers happily contributing to the community with their “official” packages.
Now, for some inexplicable reason, a package developer stops updating or communicating. He doesn’t care anymore. It’s publicly announced. Everyone gets notified. His package gets his label removed, he gets served, pays a fine. Sure, maybe spend some years in jail too if possible. His contract is now gone, nada.
Was that still Sublime HQ’s fault?
Let’s take it even a step higher. Let’s go fully closed source. Sublime HQ hires people to develop official packages. Community packages will now be removed (we don’t want any external responsibility).
We will probably expect an increase in license price, maybe even a change in the business model. Sure that’s fine. Everything is under Sublime HQ’s responsibility now, right?
With all these existing alternatives with their opensource plugin ecosystem, will people even care to use the product by then?
Thinking about it, Microsoft and Jetbrains have these agreements but I am pretty sure there’s a clause there saying something like
“You are responsible for your what you do. We are not liable to anything”
Sublime HQ can have that too but does that mean they are responsible for what the package developer will do?
It is not in my intention to attack you or anything. I do understand where you are coming from.
I fully understand that it is frustrating that issues pop up especially when you are paying that is why I started writing plugins in the first place.
Sure we can vent out here why X package is not working on our end. Let’s blame it all on Sublime.
I guess, Sublime can help by filing a support ticket too?
Anyway, I hope you get your issue sorted out. You can always reach out to the community via the unofficial discord.
I am not saying that those people can and will fix your issues for you. Think of it as a bunch of people trying to help each other out whenever they can.
Also, try SideBar Tools.