I’d be very interested in having some way to view and navigate webpages in a Sublime Text tab. It would be more convenient than having to separately manage Sublime and my columns and a browser window when trying to view code and documentation side-by-side. I’d be happy with pretty much anything as long as it’s not cluttered raw HTML, and in fact it might even be nice to use Lynx to generate the content (a fully text-based browser), or something like it.
Is there a plugin for this? Would it be feasible to create such a plugin?
Well, evidently it is possible, since I took a couple of hours to make something very rough that does exactly this - loads a webpage from a URL and displays it in Sublime Text. It would be fantastic to have something better polished, though, since this is a quite quick and hackish solution to my problem.
Sure, text-based is already possible. As for others, no. Some simple HTML can be rendered in ST but that’s really way to simple… and nowadays, more and more websites rely on JavaScript for rendering.
I stated my use case in the original post… I’m just trying to view documentation beside the code I’m editing without having to manage two different windows (Sublime and a separate browser), and a text-based view is completely adequate. The plugin I quickly wrote mangles tables and doesn’t know how to handle relative URLs, though, at least not at the moment. It would be great to know if there is a more polished plugin that can already handle this sort of thing.
Presently, I am trying to view x86-64 ISA documentation side-by-side with code that needs to generate x86-64 machine code. The plugin I wrote is proving to be a big help here. A similar plugin, but with more polish, would be an even bigger help.
All right, config lynx with FORCE_SSL_PROMPT:YES ignores SSL errors.
There are still quite lots of noises in the output but lynx accepts standard input (via -stdin) too.