I am trying to make this ST3 plug in https://bitbucket.org/inkytonik/scalaworksheet work in ST2 and I have a problem with the method replace of sublime.View.
I have a function that must just replace the content of a view like this:
def replaceViewWith (edit, view, text):
region = sublime.Region(0, view.size ())
view.replace(edit, region, text)
view.replace seem to do nothing to the view, the content stays the same.
I also tried to use erase and then insert like this:
def replaceViewWith (edit, view, text):
region = sublime.Region(0, view.size ())
view.erase(edit, region)
view.insert(edit, 0, text)
But the same issue, erase does not change anything to the view, and insert returns 0
Can any one tell me what is wrong?