Sublime Forum

View in Browser not working for me


I have installed the package “View in Browser”.
I want that CTRL-ALT-V will open my Chrome browser, although I do have Firefox also installed on my Linux system.

If I try the command on a html file, I get on Firefox:
Gah. Your tab just crashed.
We can help!

Choose Restore This Tab to reload the page.

Preferences / Package Settings / View in Browser / Settings - Default shows:

"posix": {
	"linux": {
		"firefox": "firefox -new-tab",
		"chrome": "google-chrome",
		"chrome64": "google-chrome",
		"chromium": "chromium"
	"linux2": {
		"firefox": "firefox -new-tab",
		"chrome": "google-chrome",
		"chrome64": "google-chrome",
		"chromium": "chromium"
	"darwin": {
		"firefox": "open -a \"/Applications/\"",
		"safari": "open -a \"/Applications/\"",
		"chrome": "open -a \"/Applications/Google\"",
		"chrome64": "open -a \"/Applications/Google\"",
		"yandex": "open -a \"/Applications/\""
"nt": {
	"win32": {
		"firefox": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe -new-tab",
		"iexplore": "C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe",
		"chrome": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe",
		"chrome64": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe",
		"yandex": "%Local AppData%\\Yandex\\YandexBrowser\\browser.exe"

"browser": "firefox"


This text cannot be changed!!!

Settings Users is empty!



I re-started my computer and it is displayed in Firefox. How can I change it to open Chrome? Settings - Default can still not be changed.
It would be great if I could have both browsers with a different short cut key open.



I’ve been trying for more than a week unsucesfully. Aptana is at least more predictable and easy to use regarding this complex topic in sublime.