Hi, I’m currently a college student looking to major in computer science. I took a basic programming course on Java and would like to code Java on Sublime Text because it is very lightweight, portable, and I want to learn how to use it as many programmers found it as an essential tool for their work.
I googled and found Javatar to be a relevant plugin for what I’m doing but am having trouble understanding the need for a source folder and packages. Since I’m just learning, all I’m dealing with is a .java/.class file in a folder or maybe several files in a folder (inheritance). On Javatar, I can’t just simply create a .java file if I want to just create one class and run it–I get errors like “unknown package/class location.” How do I fix this and what does a source folder have to do with this? Step-by-step process would be ideal. It seems like such a hassle to do all these things when I can just save a document as a .java file and run it on command prompt without creating a package/project/source folder, etc., though I know that professional projects will use an established structure.
I read Javatar’s getting started guide, but it only tells me what to do and not why I have to do it. It also seems like so much work you have to do before you can even code.